Effects of the Exclusive Enteral Nutrition on the Microbiota Profile of Patients with Crohn's Disease: A Systematic Review

Simona Gatti, Tiziana Galeazzi, Elisa Franceschini, Roberta Annibali, Veronica Albano, Anil Kumar Verma, Maria De Angelis, Maria Elena Lionetti, Carlo Catassi, Simona Gatti, Tiziana Galeazzi, Elisa Franceschini, Roberta Annibali, Veronica Albano, Anil Kumar Verma, Maria De Angelis, Maria Elena Lionetti, Carlo Catassi


The mechanisms behind the efficacy of exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) in Crohn's disease (CD) remain poorly understood, despite the high rate of treatment response. Evidence accumulated in the last 20 years suggests that a positive shift of the disrupted microbiota is one of the treatment effects. The purpose of this study was to critically review and summarize data reporting the microbiological effects of EEN in patients with CD. Fourteen studies were considered in the review, overall involving 216 CD patients on EEN. The studies were heterogeneous in methods of microbiota analysis and exclusion criteria. The most frequently reported effect of EEN was a reduction in microbiota diversity, reversible when patients returned to a normal diet. The effect of EEN on specific bacteria was very variable in the different studies, partially due to methodological limitations of the mentioned studies. The EEN seem to induce some metabolomic changes, which are different in long-term responder patients compared to patients that relapse earlier. Bacterial changes can be relevant to explaining the efficacy of EEN; however, microbiological data obtained from rigorously performed studies and derived from last generation techniques are largely inconsistent.

Keywords: 16S rRNA; Crohn’s disease; Faecalibacterium prausntzii; IBD; exclusive enteral nutrition; metabolome; microbiota; next generation sequencing.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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