Changes in cholesterol kinetics following sugar cane policosanol supplementation: a randomized control trial

Amira N Kassis, Peter J H Jones, Amira N Kassis, Peter J H Jones


Background: Sugar cane policosanols (SCP) have been shown to exert cholesterol-modulating properties in various studies conducted in Cuba by substantially reducing cholesterol synthesis. Independent research examining changes in cholesterol kinetics in response to SCP is limited to few studies, none of which was able to replicate findings of the original research. Moreover, no data are available on the effect of SCP on cholesterol absorption to date. The present study was undertaken to determine effects on cholesterol kinetics, namely synthesis and absorption, within hypercholesterolemic individuals consuming a SCP treatment. Twenty-one otherwise healthy hypercholesterolemic subjects participated in a randomized double-blind crossover study where they received 10 mg/day of policosanols or a placebo incorporated in margarine as an evening snack for a period of 28 days. The last week of the study phase, subjects were given 13C labelled cholesterol and deuterated water for the measurement of cholesterol absorption and synthesis respectively. Blood was collected on the first two and last five days of the trial. Cholesterol absorption and synthesis were determined by measuring red cell cholesterol 13C and deuterium enrichment, respectively.

Results: There was no significant change in LDL cholesterol levels as compared to control. In addition, the area under the curve for red cell cholesterol 13C enrichment across 96 hours was not significantly different in the SCP group as compared to control. Similarly, no difference was observed in the fractional rate of cholesterol synthesis over the period of 24 hours between the two treatment groups.

Conclusion: The findings of the present study fail to support previous research concerning efficacy and mechanism of action for policosanols.


Figure 1
Figure 1
13C enrichment of RBCs after isotope administration in SCP and control groups (n = 21). Black diamond: sugar cane policosanols, grey diamond: placebo. AUC SCP = 421.91; AUCcontrol = 454.55. No significant difference between the two intervention groups. n = 21.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Difference in 13C enrichment between time points and hour 0 as a result of isotope administration in SCP and control groups (n = 21). Black diamond: sugar cane policosanols, grey diamond: placebo. No significant difference between SCP and control groups. n = 21.


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