At-risk gambling in patients with severe mental illness: Prevalence and associated features

Annalisa Bergamini, Cesare Turrina, Francesca Bettini, Anna Toccagni, Paolo Valsecchi, Emilio Sacchetti, Antonio Vita, Annalisa Bergamini, Cesare Turrina, Francesca Bettini, Anna Toccagni, Paolo Valsecchi, Emilio Sacchetti, Antonio Vita


Background and aims The primary objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of at-risk gambling in a large, unselected sample of outpatients attending two community mental health centers, to estimate rates according to the main diagnosis, and to evaluate risk factors for gambling. Methods All patients attending the centers were evaluated with the Canadian Problem Gambling Index and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Diagnoses were checked with the treating psychiatrists and after a chart review of the university hospital discharge diagnoses. Results The rate of at-risk gambling in 900 patients was 5.3%. In those who gambled over the last year, 10.1% were at-risk gamblers. The rates in the main diagnostic groups were: 4.7% schizophrenia and related disorders, 4.9% bipolar disorder, 5.6% unipolar depression, and 6.6% cluster B personality disorder. In 52.1% of the cases, at-risk gambling preceded the onset of a major psychiatric disorder. In a linear regression analysis, a family history of gambling disorder, psychiatric comorbidities, drug abuse/dependence, and tobacco smoking were significantly associated with at-risk gambling. Discussion and conclusion The results of this study evidenced a higher rate of at-risk gambling compared to community estimates and call for a careful screening for gambling in the general psychiatric population.

Keywords: bipolar disorder; depression; gambling; personality disorders; schizophrenia.


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