Care of the older adult in the emergency department: nurses views of the pressing issues

Marie Boltz, Belinda Parke, Joseph Shuluk, Elizabeth Capezuti, James E Galvin, Marie Boltz, Belinda Parke, Joseph Shuluk, Elizabeth Capezuti, James E Galvin


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe nurses' views of the issues to be addressed to improve care of the older adult in the emergency department (ED).

Design and methods: An exploratory content analysis examined the qualitative responses of 527 registered nurses from 49 U.S. hospitals who completed the Geriatric Institutional Profile.

Results: 5 central themes emerged from the analysis, representing a lack of older person hospital environment fit in the ED: (a) respect for the older adult and carers, (b) correct and best procedures and treatment, (c) time and staff to do things right, (d) transitions, and (e) a safe and enabling environment. The nurses offered solutions to address lack of fit, including modifications to the social climate, policies and procedures, care systems and processes, and physical design.

Implications: The nurses' descriptions of the pressing issues surrounding care of older adults in the ED provide useful information to consider when developing a senior-friendly ED. Results also illuminate solutions that can be taken to address issues. These solutions give direction for future intervention research.


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