Parental social contact in the work place and the risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

J S Chang, C Metayer, N T Fear, K Reinier, X Yin, K Urayama, C Russo, K W Jolly, P A Buffler, J S Chang, C Metayer, N T Fear, K Reinier, X Yin, K Urayama, C Russo, K W Jolly, P A Buffler


To study the possible relation between parental social contact through occupation, a marker for a child's risk of infection, and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), the parents of 294 children with ALL aged 0-14.9 years and 376 matched controls were interviewed about their jobs after their child's birth up to the age of 3 years. Job titles were assigned to a level of social contact, and an index of occupational social contact months was created using the level and the job duration. Positive interactions between this index and rural residence associated with an increased risk of childhood ALL and common ALL (c-ALL) were observed (interaction P-value=0.02 for both, using tertiles of contact months; interaction P-value=0.05 and 0.02 for ALL and c-ALL, respectively, using continuous contact months); such findings were not observed when job durations were ignored. Our data suggest that duration of parental occupation may be important when examining the association between parental social contact in the workplace and childhood leukaemia.


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