Oat Polar Lipids Improve Cardiometabolic-Related Markers after Breakfast and a Subsequent Standardized Lunch: A Randomized Crossover Study in Healthy Young Adults

Mohammad Mukul Hossain, Juscelino Tovar, Lieselotte Cloetens, Maria T Soria Florido, Karin Petersson, Frederic Prothon, Anne Nilsson, Mohammad Mukul Hossain, Juscelino Tovar, Lieselotte Cloetens, Maria T Soria Florido, Karin Petersson, Frederic Prothon, Anne Nilsson


It has been suggested that intake of polar lipids may beneficially modulate various metabolic variables. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of oat polar lipids on postprandial and second meal glycemic regulation, blood lipids, gastrointestinal hormones, and subjective appetite-related variables in healthy humans. In a randomized design, twenty healthy subjects ingested four liquid cereal-based test beverages (42 g of available carbohydrates) containing: i. 30 g of oat oil with a low concentration (4%) of polar lipids (PLL), ii. 30 g of oat oil containing a high concentration (40%) of polar lipids (PLH), iii. 30 g of rapeseed oil (RSO), and iv. no added lipids (NL). The products were served as breakfast meals followed by a standardized lunch. Test variables were measured at fasting and during 3 h after breakfast and two additional hours following a standardized lunch. PLH reduced glucose and insulin responses after breakfast (0-120 min) compared to RSO, and after lunch (210-330 min) compared to RSO and PLL (p < 0.05). Compared to RSO, PLH resulted in increased concentrations of the gut hormones GLP-1 and PYY after the standardized lunch (p < 0.05). The results suggest that oat polar lipids have potential nutraceutical properties by modulating acute and second meal postprandial metabolic responses.

Keywords: GLP-1; PYY; RCT; appetite regulation; blood lipids; glycemic regulation; metabolic regulation; oat; polar lipids; postprandial glucose response.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest. Karin Petersson and Frederic Prothon work for Oatly AB.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Incremental changes in serum blood glucose concentrations after test breakfasts and standardized lunch meals. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added oat polar lipids; glucose, glucose solution.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Incremental changes in serum blood glucose concentrations after test breakfasts and standardized lunch meals. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Postprandial incremental changes in blood serum insulin concentrations after test breakfasts and standardized lunch meals. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Concentration of serum triglycerides (TGs) after the breakfast meal. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Concentrations of serum free fatty acid (FFAs) after breakfast and a standardized lunch meal. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 6
Figure 6
Mean concentrations of ghrelin after the breakfast meals. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 7
Figure 7
Mean concentrations of GLP-1 after the breakfast meal. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 8
Figure 8
Mean concentration of PYY after the breakfast meal. Values are means ± SEM, n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 9
Figure 9
Mean concentrations of GIP after intake of test meals at breakfast. Values are means ± SEM, n = 18 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.
Figure 10
Figure 10
Subjective appetite ratings after test breakfasts and standardized lunch meals. Values are means ± SEM of subjective appetite ratings (VAS) of (a) desire to eat, (b) hunger, and (c) satiety; n = 20 healthy subjects. Repeated measures; mixed model in SAS. NL, oat preparation without added lipids; RSO, oat preparation added with rapeseed oil; PLL, oat preparation with a low concentration of polar lipids; PLH, oat preparation with a high concentration of polar lipids.


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