Physical and Physiological Profiles of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacities in Young Basketball Players

David Mancha-Triguero, Javier García-Rubio, Antonio Antúnez, Sergio J Ibáñez, David Mancha-Triguero, Javier García-Rubio, Antonio Antúnez, Sergio J Ibáñez


Current trends in the analysis of the physical fitness of athletes are based on subjecting the athlete to requirements similar to those found in competition. Regarding physical fitness, a thorough study of the capacities that affect the development of team sports in different ages and gender is required since the demands are not equivalent. The objective of this paper was to characterize the physical-physiological demands of athletes in an aerobic and anaerobic test specific to basketball players, as well as the evolution of the variables according to age and gender. The research was carried out in 149 players from different training categories (n = 103 male; n = 46 female). The athletes performed two field tests that evaluated both aerobic capacity and lactic anaerobic capacity. Each athlete was equipped with an inertial device during the tests. Sixteen variables (equal in both tests) were analyzed. Three of them evaluated technical-tactical aspects, four variables of objective internal load, six kinematic variables of objective external load (two related to distance and four related to accelerometry) and three neuromuscular variables of objective external load. The obtained results show significant differences in the variables analyzed according to the age and gender of the athletes. They are mainly due to factors related to the anthropometric maturation and development inherent in age and have an impact on the efficiency and technical and tactical requirements of the tests carried out and, therefore, on the obtained results in the tests.

Keywords: aerobic capacity; anaerobic capacity; basketball; field test; gender; physical fitness; specific test.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Standardized results of the aerobic test grouped by gender and age.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Standardized results of the anaerobic test grouped by gender and age.


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