Negative affect and neural response to palatable food intake in bulimia nervosa

Cara Bohon, Eric Stice, Cara Bohon, Eric Stice


Binge eating is often preceded by reports of negative affect, but the mechanism by which affect may lead to binge eating is unclear. This study evaluated the effect of negative affect on neural response to anticipation and receipt of palatable food in women with bulimia nervosa (BN) versus healthy controls. We also evaluated connectivity between the amygdala and reward-related brain regions. Females with and without BN (n=26) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during receipt and anticipated receipt of chocolate milkshake and a tasteless solution. We measured negative affect just prior to the scan. Women with BN showed a positive correlation between negative affect and activity in the putamen, caudate, and pallidum during anticipated receipt of milkshake (versus tasteless solution). There were no significant relations between negative affect and receipt of milkshake. Connectivity analyses revealed a greater relation of amygdala activity to activation in the left putamen and insula during anticipated receipt of milkshake in the bulimia group relative to the control group. The opposite pattern was found for the taste of milkshake; the control group showed a greater relation of amygdala activity to activation in the left putamen and insula in response to milkshake receipt than the bulimia group. Results show that as negative affect increases, so does responsivity of reward regions to anticipated intake of palatable food, implying that negative affect may increase the reward value of food for individuals with bulimia nervosa or that negative affect has become a conditioned cue due to a history of binge eating in a negative mood.

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Figure 1
Figure 1
Positive correlations between negative affect and signal change in the left caudate, putamen, and pallidum in the bulimia nervosa group. Images are in radiological view on the MNI- 152 standard brain, with the left hemisphere displayed on the right in axial and coronal slices. Scatterplot reveals percentage signal change in this region as function of negative affect. Bulimia nervosa in blue and healthy controls in red.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Left putamen and insula show stronger positive correlations with amygdala activity in the BN group compared to the healthy controls as a function of seeing the visual cue associated with the milkshake taste versus the cue associated with the tasteless control taste. The same regions showed stronger positive correlations with amygdala activity in healthy controls compared to the BN group as a function of receiving the milkshake taste versus the tasteless control taste. Images are in radiological view on the MNI-152 standard brain, with the left hemisphere displayed on the right in axial and coronal slices.


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