Markers of protein-energy wasting and physical performance in haemodialysis patients: A cross-sectional study

Karsten Vanden Wyngaert, Bert Celie, Patrick Calders, Sunny Eloot, Els Holvoet, Wim Van Biesen, Amaryllis H Van Craenenbroeck, Karsten Vanden Wyngaert, Bert Celie, Patrick Calders, Sunny Eloot, Els Holvoet, Wim Van Biesen, Amaryllis H Van Craenenbroeck


Background: Physical impairments are common in uraemia, as reflected by the high risk of falls of haemodialysis (HD) patients. Furthermore, these patients often suffer from malnutrition.

Objective: Up to now, it is unknown which aspects of physical performance are predominantly driven by malnutrition in HD patients. As this answer could steer different interventions, the aim of this study was to evaluate the cross-sectional relationship between nutritional status, muscle strength, exercise capacity and the risk of falls.

Methods: This study recruited HD patients between December 2016 and March 2018 from two hospital-based and five satellite dialysis units (registration number on NCT03910426). The mini-nutritional assessment scale as well as objective measures of protein-energy wasting were obtained (total iron-binding capacity, total protein levels, and CRP). Physical assessment included muscle strength (quadriceps, handgrip force, and sit-to-stand test), exercise capacity (six-minute walking test) and the risk of falls (Tinetti, FICSIT, and dialysis fall index). Their interrelationship was analysed by ridge regression models.

Results: Out of 113 HD patients (mean age 67 years ± 16.1, 57.5% male) 36.3% were malnourished according to the mini-nutritional assessment scale and a majority had impaired quadriceps force (86.7%), six-minute walking test (92%), and an increased risk of falls (73.5%). Total protein and CRP levels were identified as relevant nutritional factors in the association with physical performance. Nutritional parameters explained 9.2% of the variance in the risk of falls and 7.6% of the variance in exercise capacity. No conclusive association was found between nutritional status and muscle strength.

Conclusion: Protein-energy wasting is a determinant of the risk of falls and exercise capacity in patients on HD. The association between malnutrition and muscle weakness remains inconclusive.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Exercise capacity between groups of…
Fig 1. Exercise capacity between groups of nutritional status.
Boxplots of the relative 6MWT for patients identified with normal nutritional status (MNA ≥ 24), at risk for malnutrition (MNA 20–23.5) and with malnutrition (MNA ≤ 19.5).


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