Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): A Beginner's Guide for Design and Implementation

Hayley Thair, Amy L Holloway, Roger Newport, Alastair D Smith, Hayley Thair, Amy L Holloway, Roger Newport, Alastair D Smith


Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a popular brain stimulation method that is used to modulate cortical excitability, producing facilitatory or inhibitory effects upon a variety of behaviors. There is, however, a current lack of consensus between studies, with many results suggesting that polarity-specific effects are difficult to obtain. This article explores some of these differences and highlights the experimental parameters that may underlie their occurrence. We provide a general, practical snapshot of tDCS methodology, including what it is used for, how to use it, and considerations for designing an effective and safe experiment. Our aim is to equip researchers who are new to tDCS with the essential knowledge so that they can make informed and well-rounded decisions when designing and running successful experiments. By summarizing the varied approaches, stimulation parameters, and outcomes, this article should help inform future tDCS research in a variety of fields.

Keywords: anodal; brain stimulation; cathodal; cortical modulation; protocol; transcranial direct current stimulation.


Figure 1
Figure 1
tDCS equipment for the HDC Kit. (A) Neoprene swimming caps for securing electrodes, (B) straps for securing electrodes, (C) programmer/stimulator connector cable, (D) power supply, (E) tDCS stimulator (batteries inside), (F) tDCS stimulator parameter programmer, (G) sponge holding bags, (H) electrode cables (red—anodal; black—cathodal), (I) rubber electrodes, (J) cable connector, (K) conductive EEG gel, (L) measuring equipment (washable pen and measuring tape), (M) saline (20 ml pouches for easy application). Not all tDCS kits come with a separate stimulator and parameter programmer.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Diagram illustrating experimental protocols. Offline stimulation involves a period of pre-stimulation in which a task may be completed, followed by a period of stimulation and then a post-stimulation task (A) or a post-stimulation task only (B). Online stimulation involves participants receiving stimulation during the task (C). For sham stimulation, the task can be undertaken according to either online or offline protocols. Sham stimulation involves the current ramping up (RU), followed by a brief stimulatory (BS) period which is usually 3–5% of the active session duration, followed by a ramping down of the current. The current then remains off for the rest of the session. The task can be applied at any point during the session (D), depending on whether an online or offline protocol is undertaken.


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