Combination of strontium chloride and photobiomodulation in the control of tooth sensitivity post-bleaching: A split-mouth randomized clinical trial

Danielle da Silva Pompeu, Brennda Lucy Freitas de Paula, Antônia Patricia Oliveira Barros, Samir Costa Nunes, Alexandra Melo Pingarilho Carneiro, Jesuína Lamartine Nogueira Araújo, Cecy Martins Silva, Danielle da Silva Pompeu, Brennda Lucy Freitas de Paula, Antônia Patricia Oliveira Barros, Samir Costa Nunes, Alexandra Melo Pingarilho Carneiro, Jesuína Lamartine Nogueira Araújo, Cecy Martins Silva


Objective: This split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial assessed the effect of 10% strontium chloride in combination with photobiomodulation (PBM) for the control of tooth sensitivity (TS) post-bleaching.

Methods: The upper/lower, right and left quadrants of fifty volunteers were randomized and allocated to four groups (n = 25): PLACEBO-placebo gel + simulation of PBM; Placebo + PBM; STRONTIUM-10% strontium chloride + simulation of PBM; and PBM + STRONTIUM-10% strontium chloride + PBM. All groups received tooth bleaching treatment with 35% hydrogen peroxide. For the PBM treatment, the laser tip was positioned in the apical and cervical regions of the teeth bleached in the respective hemi-arch. The laser system was operated in continuous mode, using 1.7 J of energy. A dose of 60 J/cm2 was applied to each point for 16 seconds under 808 nm near-infrared light (100mW of power), with a point area of 0.028 cm2. TS was assessed during a 21-day follow-up, using the modified visual analogue scale.

Results: In the intragroup assessment, the Friedman test indicated that PBM + STRONTIUM promoted the greatest reduction in TS after the second week of treatment (p ≤ 0.05). The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test indicated that the groups Placebo + PBM, STRONTIUM, and STRONTIUM + PBM did not differ statistically (p ≥ 0.05) in the first and third weeks of treatment The group PLACEBO exhibited the greatest TS in the first three days after each bleaching session.

Conclusion: The combination of 10% strontium chloride with PBM was effective in reducing post-bleaching TS; however, the combination of 10% strontium chloride with PBM was effective in reducing post-bleaching TS; however, it did not differ from the individual use of Placebo + PBM or STRONTIUM groups assessed after 21 days of follow-up.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Flow diagram showing patient recruitment…
Fig 1. Flow diagram showing patient recruitment and follow-up.
Adapted from the CONSORT flow diagram.


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