Target Health Inc.

Phone: 1-212-681-2100



Target Health Inc., a full-service CRO and Clinical Trials Software company, is committed, through creative collaboration, to serve the pharmaceutical community with knowledge, experience, technology and connectivity. Our pledge is to optimize the life cycle of drugs, biologics and devices with expertise, leadership, innovation and teamwork. We provide superior, consistent performance with a cutting edge, diverse team with the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity. Target Health Inc. is a privately held, New York City based company with staff dedicated to all aspects of Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research, Biostatistics, Data Management, Internet-Based Clinical Trials (EDC, electronic data capture), Software Development, Strategic Planning and Drug and Device Development. Target Health Inc. also has a group of specialized advisors in the areas of Toxicology, Analytical Methods Validation, Product and Process Development, Quality Assurance and Manufacturing

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