Contact With Young Children Increases the Risk of Respiratory Infection in Older Adults in Europe-the RESCEU Study

Koos Korsten, Niels Adriaenssens, Samuel Coenen, Chris C Butler, Jean Yves Pirçon, Theo J M Verheij, Louis J Bont, Joanne G Wildenbeest, RESCEU Investigators, Koos Korsten, Niels Adriaenssens, Samuel Coenen, Christopher Butler, Jean Yves Pirçon, Theo Verheij, Louis Bont, Joanne Wildenbeest, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Philippe Beutels, Peter Openshaw, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Adam Meijer, Thea K Fischer, Maarten van den Berge, Carlo Giaquinto, Michael Abram, Jeroen Aerssens, Kena Swanson, Olivier Gruselle, Amanda Leach, Sonia Stoszek, Clarisse Demont, Scott Gallichan, Vincent Pavot, Charlotte Vernhes, Veena Kumar, Koos Korsten, Niels Adriaenssens, Samuel Coenen, Chris C Butler, Jean Yves Pirçon, Theo J M Verheij, Louis J Bont, Joanne G Wildenbeest, RESCEU Investigators, Koos Korsten, Niels Adriaenssens, Samuel Coenen, Christopher Butler, Jean Yves Pirçon, Theo Verheij, Louis Bont, Joanne Wildenbeest, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Philippe Beutels, Peter Openshaw, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Adam Meijer, Thea K Fischer, Maarten van den Berge, Carlo Giaquinto, Michael Abram, Jeroen Aerssens, Kena Swanson, Olivier Gruselle, Amanda Leach, Sonia Stoszek, Clarisse Demont, Scott Gallichan, Vincent Pavot, Charlotte Vernhes, Veena Kumar


Background: Knowledge about how older adults get a respiratory infection is crucial for planning preventive strategies. We aimed to determine how contact with young children living outside of the household affects the risk of acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) in community-dwelling older adults.

Methods: This study is part of the European RESCEU older adult study. Weekly surveillance was performed to detect ARTI throughout 2 winter seasons (2017-2018, 2018-2019). Child exposure, defined as having regular contact with children under 5 living outside of the subject's household, was assessed at baseline. The average attributable fraction was calculated to determine the fraction of ARTI explained by exposure to these children.

Results: We prospectively established that 597/1006 (59%) participants experienced at least 1 ARTI. Child exposure increased the risk of all-cause ARTI (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.58; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.21 -2.08; P = .001). This risk was highest in those with the most frequent contact (aOR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.23-2.63; P = .003). The average attributable fraction of child exposure explaining ARTI was 10% (95% CI, 5%-15%).

Conclusions: One of 10 ARTI in community-dwelling older adults is attributable to exposure to preschool children living outside of the household.

Clinical trials registration: NCT03621930.

Keywords: child exposure; community; elderly; respiratory infection.

Conflict of interest statement

Potential conflicts of interest. C. B. reports personal fees from Roche, and grants and personal fees from Jannsen Pharmaceuticals. L. B. has regular interaction with pharmaceutical and other industrial partners and is founding chairman of the ReSViNET Foundation; he has not received personal fees or other personal benefits. His institution has received major funding (>€100 000 per industrial partner) for investigator initiated studies from AbbVie, MedImmune, Janssen, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Nutricia (Danone), and MeMed Diagnostics; major cash or in kind funding as part of the public private partnership IMI-funded RESCEU project from GSK, Novavax, Janssen, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Sanofi; major funding from Julius Clinical for participating in the INFORM study sponsored by MedImmune; minor funding for participation in trials by Regeneron and Janssen from 2015 to 2017 (total annual estimate less than €20 000); and minor funding for consultation and invited lectures by AbbVie, MedImmune, Ablynx, Bavaria Nordic, MabXience, Novavax, Pfizer, and Janssen (total annual estimate less than €20 000). T. V. reports grants from Abbott, Becton Dickinson, Bio-Merieux, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals outside the submitted work. All other authors report no potential conflicts. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the editors consider relevant to the content of the manuscript have been disclosed.

© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.


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