Minimum toe clearance: probing the neural control of locomotion

Tim Killeen, Christopher S Easthope, László Demkó, Linard Filli, Lilla Lőrincz, Michael Linnebank, Armin Curt, Björn Zörner, Marc Bolliger, Tim Killeen, Christopher S Easthope, László Demkó, Linard Filli, Lilla Lőrincz, Michael Linnebank, Armin Curt, Björn Zörner, Marc Bolliger


Minimum toe clearance (MTC) occurs during a highly dynamic phase of the gait cycle and is associated with the highest risk of unintentional contact with obstacles or the ground. Age, cognitive function, attention and visual feedback affect foot clearance but how these factors interact to influence MTC control is not fully understood. We measured MTC in 121 healthy individuals aged 20-80 under four treadmill walking conditions; normal walking, lower visual field restriction and two Stroop colour/word naming tasks of two difficulty levels. Competition for cognitive and attentional resources from the Stroop task resulted in significantly lower mean MTC in older adults, with the difficult Stroop task associated with a higher frequency of extremely low MTC values and subsequently an increased modelled probability of tripping in this group. While older adults responded to visual restriction by markedly skewing MTC distributions towards higher values, this condition was also associated with frequent, extremely low MTC values. We reveal task-specific, age-dependent patterns of MTC control in healthy adults. Age-related differences are most pronounced during heavy, distracting cognitive load. Analysis of critically-low MTC values during dual-task walking may have utility in the evaluation of locomotor control and fall risk in older adults and patients with motor control deficits.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Experimental setup. Healthy adults aged 20–80 underwent 3D gait analysis while walking on an instrumented treadmill without handrail support. They undertook four locomotor tasks. Normal walking without a secondary task (a) was performed with the eyes fixed on a cross at eye height. Participants then walked while engaged in two Stroop colour-naming task (see methods) of differing difficulty. Image (b) shows the simpler task in which word and colour stimuli are congruent. In the more difficult, incongruent task (c) word and colour are discordant. Participants also carried out a visual restriction task in which they walked wearing eye goggles, the lower half of which were covered in black fabric to obscure the lower visual field. The upper edge of the fabric was affixed at the level of the subject’s interpupillary line. This figure was adapted from Fig. 1 in the publication Killeen et al. Increasing cognitive load attenuates right arm swing in healthy human walking. R. Soc. open sci. 2017 4 160993; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160993. Published 25 January 2017 under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence 4.0.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Minimum toe clearance parameters under different locomotor conditions. (a) The effect of age group on MTC in each of the four walking conditions. Differences in mean MTC between age groups (younger adults; 20–39, middle-aged adults; 40–59, older adults; 60–80) tested using ANOVA and post-hoc t-tests where appropriate with significance set at p ≤ 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni). NW; normal walking, CS; congruent Stroop task, IS; incongruent Stroop task, VR; visual restriction. (b) Within-age group condition effects on mean MTC, compared using a linear mixed model (see methods) and post-hoc t-tests where appropriate with significance set at p ≤ 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni). (c) Differences in mean MTC variability (coefficient of variation; CoV) between age groups, compared using ANOVA as in (a). (d) Condition effect on MTC timing variability (CoV), compared using a linear mixed model as in b). Error bars indicate SEM.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Scatter plot of age and mean minimum toe clearance under four walking conditions. During the congruent and incongruent Stroop tasks, age was a significant, but weak, negative predictor of MTC, with R2 values of 0.043 (F = 4.9; p = 0.030) in the congruent and 0.050 (F = 6.0; p = 0.016) in the incongruent task. During normal walking and visual restriction, no such relationship was observed.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Relative MTC frequency distributions for healthy adults aged 60–80 years. Each individual contributed MTC values for 25 consecutive strides. Values indicated are mean frequencies per 1 mm bin with error bars indicating standard error of the mean. The histogram for normal walking is indicated in (a) and is presented as a semi-transparent overlay (grey) to allow comparison with the histograms of the three locomotor conditions (black; (bd)). Similar graphics for the younger and middle-aged cohorts may be found in the Supplementary Material.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Minimum toe clearance cumulative relative frequency graphs for each age group. Each individual contributed 25 consecutive MTC values to the group histogram. Dotted lines indicate MTC thresholds of 5 mm and 10 mm, while shaded area indicates MTC values over 10 mm. MTC; minimum toe clearance.
Figure 6
Figure 6
Tripping probability modelling for healthy adults aged 20–80 years during normal walking and under increased cognitive load. Modelling was based on the group frequency distributions and followed the approach taken by Best and Begg. Briefly, per-stride probabilities of striking a hypothetical, unseen obstacle of a given height at MTC are modelled based on MTC frequency distributions, including skewness and kurtosis. Similar graphics for all conditions and age groups may be found in the Supplementary Material.


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