Is the Scale for Measuring Motivational Interviewing Skills a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the primary care professionals motivational skills?: EVEM study protocol

Luis Á Pérula, Manuel Campiñez, Josep M Bosch, Nieves Barragán Brun, Juan C Arboniés, Julia Bóveda Fontán, Remedios Martín Alvarez, Jose A Prados, Enrique Martín-Rioboó, Josep Massons, Margarita Criado, José Á Fernández, Juan M Parras, Roger Ruiz-Moral, Jesús M Novo, collaborative Group Dislip-EM, Emilio García Criado, Enrique Martín Rioboó, María Pineda Alonso, Ana Roldán Villalobos, Antonio Pérez Fuentes, Ma José Acosta García, Isabel de Andrés Cara, Antonio León Dugo, Pilar Serrano Varo, Antonio Valero Martín, Juan Manuel Parras Rejano, Rosana Izquierdo Fernández, Antonio Fernández Crespo, Ma Dolores Pazo Ferreiro, Susana Hernaiz Valero, Ma Jesús Cobas Martínez, Neus Fernández Danés, Francisca Pérez Fuentes, Clara Soria López, Silvia Membrilla Pastor, Francisco Mora Moreno, José Luís Montero Monterroso, Ma Dolores Vargas Rubio, Antonio López Hernández, Santiago Avilés Cigüela, Susana Aldecoa Landesa, Félix Suárez González, Cristina Aguado Taberné, Manuel Rico Cabrera, Francisco Caro Tejero, Silvia Díez Moreno, Gina Ballester Adell, Alexis Tena Domingo, Juantxo Mendive Arbeloa, Azucena Carranzo Tomás, Laura Belmonte Calderón, Miriam Ruíz Sánchez, Cristina Ortodó Parra, Sonia Cibrián Sánchez, Luis Á Pérula, Manuel Campiñez, Josep M Bosch, Nieves Barragán Brun, Juan C Arboniés, Julia Bóveda Fontán, Remedios Martín Alvarez, Jose A Prados, Enrique Martín-Rioboó, Josep Massons, Margarita Criado, José Á Fernández, Juan M Parras, Roger Ruiz-Moral, Jesús M Novo, collaborative Group Dislip-EM, Emilio García Criado, Enrique Martín Rioboó, María Pineda Alonso, Ana Roldán Villalobos, Antonio Pérez Fuentes, Ma José Acosta García, Isabel de Andrés Cara, Antonio León Dugo, Pilar Serrano Varo, Antonio Valero Martín, Juan Manuel Parras Rejano, Rosana Izquierdo Fernández, Antonio Fernández Crespo, Ma Dolores Pazo Ferreiro, Susana Hernaiz Valero, Ma Jesús Cobas Martínez, Neus Fernández Danés, Francisca Pérez Fuentes, Clara Soria López, Silvia Membrilla Pastor, Francisco Mora Moreno, José Luís Montero Monterroso, Ma Dolores Vargas Rubio, Antonio López Hernández, Santiago Avilés Cigüela, Susana Aldecoa Landesa, Félix Suárez González, Cristina Aguado Taberné, Manuel Rico Cabrera, Francisco Caro Tejero, Silvia Díez Moreno, Gina Ballester Adell, Alexis Tena Domingo, Juantxo Mendive Arbeloa, Azucena Carranzo Tomás, Laura Belmonte Calderón, Miriam Ruíz Sánchez, Cristina Ortodó Parra, Sonia Cibrián Sánchez


Background: Lifestyle is one of the main determinants of people's health. It is essential to find the most effective prevention strategies to be used to encourage behavioral changes in their patients. Many theories are available that explain change or adherence to specific health behaviors in subjects. In this sense the named Motivational Interviewing has increasingly gained relevance. Few well-validated instruments are available for measuring doctors' communication skills, and more specifically the Motivational Interviewing.

Methods/design: The hypothesis of this study is that the Scale for Measuring Motivational Interviewing Skills (EVEM questionnaire) is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the primary care professionals skills to get behavior change in patients. To test the hypothesis we have designed a prospective, observational, multi-center study to validate a measuring instrument. -

Scope: Thirty-two primary care centers in Spain. -Sampling and Size: a) face and consensual validity: A group composed of 15 experts in Motivational Interviewing. b) Assessment of the psychometric properties of the scale; 50 physician- patient encounters will be videoed; a total of 162 interviews will be conducted with six standardized patients, and another 200 interviews will be conducted with 50 real patients (n=362). Four physicians will be specially trained to assess 30 interviews randomly selected to test the scale reproducibility. -Measurements for to test the hypothesis: a) Face validity: development of a draft questionnaire based on a theoretical model, by using Delphi-type methodology with experts. b) Scale psychometric properties: intraobservers will evaluate video recorded interviews: content-scalability validity (Exploratory Factor Analysis), internal consistency (Cronbach alpha), intra-/inter-observer reliability (Kappa index, intraclass correlation coefficient, Bland & Altman methodology), generalizability, construct validity and sensitivity to change (Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient).

Discussion: The verification of the hypothesis that EVEM is a valid and reliable tool for assessing motivational interviewing would be a major breakthrough in the current theoretical and practical knowledge, as it could be used to assess if the providers put into practice a patient centered communication style and can be used both for training or researching purposes. TRIALS REGISTRATION Dislip-EM study: NCT01282190 (


Figure 1
Figure 1
Scheme of the EVEM study design.


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