White Matter Lipids as a Ketogenic Fuel Supply in Aging Female Brain: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease

Lauren P Klosinski, Jia Yao, Fei Yin, Alfred N Fonteh, Michael G Harrington, Trace A Christensen, Eugenia Trushina, Roberta Diaz Brinton, Lauren P Klosinski, Jia Yao, Fei Yin, Alfred N Fonteh, Michael G Harrington, Trace A Christensen, Eugenia Trushina, Roberta Diaz Brinton


White matter degeneration is a pathological hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's. Age remains the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer's and the prevalence of age-related late onset Alzheimer's is greatest in females. We investigated mechanisms underlying white matter degeneration in an animal model consistent with the sex at greatest Alzheimer's risk. Results of these analyses demonstrated decline in mitochondrial respiration, increased mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide production and cytosolic-phospholipase-A2 sphingomyelinase pathway activation during female brain aging. Electron microscopic and lipidomic analyses confirmed myelin degeneration. An increase in fatty acids and mitochondrial fatty acid metabolism machinery was coincident with a rise in brain ketone bodies and decline in plasma ketone bodies. This mechanistic pathway and its chronologically phased activation, links mitochondrial dysfunction early in aging with later age development of white matter degeneration. The catabolism of myelin lipids to generate ketone bodies can be viewed as a systems level adaptive response to address brain fuel and energy demand. Elucidation of the initiating factors and the mechanistic pathway leading to white matter catabolism in the aging female brain provides potential therapeutic targets to prevent and treat demyelinating diseases such as Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis. Targeting stages of disease and associated mechanisms will be critical.

Keywords: ABAD, Aβ-binding alcohol dehydrogenase; ABAD, Aβ-binding-alcohol-dehydrogenase; ACER3, alkaline ceramidase; AD, Alzheimer's disease; APO-ε4, apolipoprotein ε4; APP, amyloid precursor protein; Aging oxidative stress; Alzheimer's disease; BACE1, beta-secretase 1; BBB, blood brain barrier; CC, corpus callosum; CMRglu, cerebral glucose metabolic rate; COX, complex IV cytochrome c oxidase; CPT1, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1; Cldn11, claudin 11; Cyp2j6, arachidonic acid epoxygenase; Cytosolic phospholipase A2; DHA, docosahexaesnoic acid; Erbb3, Erb-B2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3; FDG-PET, 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose; GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; HADHA, hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase; HK, hexokinase; Ketone bodies; LC MS, liquid chromatography mass spectrometer; MAG, myelin associated glycoprotein; MBP, myelin basic protein; MCT1, monocarboxylate transporter 1; MIB, mitochondrial isolation buffer; MOG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; MTL, medial temporal lobe; Mitochondria; NEFA, nonesterified fatty acids; Neurodegeneration; OCR, oxygen consumption rate; Olig2, oligodendrocyte transcription factor; PB, phosphate buffer; PCC, posterior cingulate; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; PEI, polyethyleneimine; RCR, respiratory control ratio; ROS, reactive oxygen species; S1P, sphingosine; TLDA, TaqMan low density array; WM, white matter; WT, wild type; White matter; cPLA2, cytosolic phospholipase A2.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Mitochondrial function and cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 activity in reproductively aging female mice: A. Respiratory control ratio (RCR = OCRstate 4/OCRstate 3) and B. H2O2 production in isolated whole brain mitochondria from reproductively aging female mice. C. cPLA2 enzyme activity in whole brain tissue homogenate obtained during mitochondrial isolation preparation. (A. N = 6–8; B. N = 6–7; C. N = 5–7.) (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.005 and ***p < 0.0005).
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Cytoplasmic phospholipase A2-sphingomyelinase pathway activation during reproductive senescence: A. cPLA2 enzyme activity in hippocampal tissue homogenate. B. Arachidonic acid production determined by GC-MS in tissue homogenate obtained during mitochondrial isolation preparation. B. Acid sphingomyelinase enzyme activity in hippocampal tissue homogenate. (A. N = 4–11; B. N = 3,-4; C. N = 7–12.) (*p < 0.05, ***p < 0.0005, ****p < 0.00005).
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Co-localization of immunoreactivity of reactive astrocytes and cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 in brain slices from the aging female mouse model: white matter tracts were co-labeled with GFAP (FITC) and cPLA2 (CY3) antibodies, and assessed for astrocyte reactivity and cPLA2 cellular localization in the A. fimbria, B. cingulum, C. the Schaffer collateral pathway, and D. anterior commissure during reproductive aging. E. Representative images depicting GFAP (FITC) and cPLA2 (CY3) labeling in the cingulum of reproductively incompetent female mice. (A, B, C, D. N = 4 per group) (*p < 0.05, and ***p < 0.0005).
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 enzyme activity in cultured astrocytes and neurons following H2O2 exposure: embryonic hippocampal neurons and astrocytes in culture were treated with H2O2 and assessed for cPLA2 activation using an enzyme activity assay. cPLA2 enzyme activity normalized to untreated cells in cultured A. astrocytes and B. neurons. C. cPLA2 enzyme activity normalized to untreated cells in cultured astrocytes following exposure to physiologically relevant concentrations of H2O2. H2O2 concentrations were determined by the levels of H2O2 produced by whole brain mitochondria isolated from reproductively incompetent female mice. D. Levels of cPLA2 enzyme activation in astrocytes and neurons (nmol/min/ml/mg of protein).
Fig. 5
Fig. 5
Myelin and fatty acid metabolism, myelin generation and repair, and inflammation related gene expression in reproductively aging female mice: A. Table depicting the fold change and p-value differences in expression of white matter related genes between reproductively irregular and reproductively incompetent female mice. Red p-value is indicative of upregulation while a green p-value indicates down regulation. Boxes outlined in red reached statistical significance. B. Heatmaps of gene expression organized by function: myelin and fatty acid metabolism, myelin generation and repair, and inflammation. Each gene was normalized and colored based on its relative expression level across 4 reproductive aging groups. This method allows genes that have different magnitude of signal intensity but which belong to the same functional group and share similar expression patterns to be displayed on the same heatmap. (N = 5 per group.)
Fig. 6
Fig. 6
Immunohistochemical and Western blot analysis of white matter integrity in the aging female mouse model: A. Immunohistochemical mapping of myelin basic protein area in the corpus callosum of the aging female mouse model. B. Representative immunohistochemical images mapping myelin basic protein area in the anterior commissure and corpus callosum. Mask of corpus callosum generated via slide book software is highlighted in purple. C. Myelin basic protein expression during reproductive aging in the female mouse. (C. N = 4–10 per group). (*p 

Fig. 7

Electron microscopic analysis of the…

Fig. 7

Electron microscopic analysis of the structural integrity of white matter in reproductively aging…

Fig. 7
Electron microscopic analysis of the structural integrity of white matter in reproductively aging female mice: representative electron microscopy images of myelinated axons in the anterior commissure of A. reproductively irregular, B. reproductively incompetent and C. aged female mice. Quantitative analysis of the percentage of compromised axons in the D. Schaffer collateral pathway, E. anterior commissure and F. corpus callosum in reproductively aging female mice. (A, B, C. N = 3–4; D. N = 4; E. N = 4; F. N = 3). (*p 

Fig. 8

Electron microscopic analysis of lipid…

Fig. 8

Electron microscopic analysis of lipid droplet accumulation in reproductively aging female mice: representative…

Fig. 8
Electron microscopic analysis of lipid droplet accumulation in reproductively aging female mice: representative electron microscopy images of lipid droplet accumulation in the anterior commissure of A. reproductively irregular, B. reproductively incompetent and C. aged female mice. Average number of lipid droplets per cell body in the D. anterior commissure and E. corpus callosum. (A, B. N = 3–4; C. N = 4; D. N = 4; E. N = 3). (*p 

Fig. 9

Lipid profile of female brain…

Fig. 9

Lipid profile of female brain during reproductive aging: A. Sequence of catabolic events…

Fig. 9
Lipid profile of female brain during reproductive aging: A. Sequence of catabolic events that occur during myelin breakdown. B. Levels of brain lipids in reproductively irregular, reproductively incompetent and aged female mice. Lipids were separated into three categorical panels: ceramides, non-esterified fatty acids and TCA metabolites. Red values are indicative of the peak level of a particular lipid and green values indicate statistical significance. (N = 4–6 per group.)

Fig. 10

Expression of proteins involved in…

Fig. 10

Expression of proteins involved in fatty acid transport and metabolism in the aging…

Fig. 10
Expression of proteins involved in fatty acid transport and metabolism in the aging female mouse model: A. CPT1 protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. B. HADHA protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. C. ABAD protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria (A, B, C. N = 3–8). (**p 

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone…

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A.…

Fig. 11
Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A. Hippocampal levels of ketone bodies. B. Cortical levels of ketone bodies. C. Plasma levels of ketone bodies. (A. N = 4 per group; B. N = 5–6; C. N = 3–7). (*p 

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H…

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H 2 O 2 activation of cPLA 2 -sphingomyelinase…

Fig. 12
Schematic model of mitochondrial H2O2 activation of cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway as an adaptive response to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation: The cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway is proposed as a mechanistic pathway that links an early event, mitochondrial dysfunction and H2O2, in the prodromal/preclinical phase of Alzheimer's with later stage development of pathology, white matter degeneration. Our findings demonstrate that an age dependent deficit in mitochondrial respiration and a concomitant rise in oxidative stress activate an adaptive cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation to fuel an energetically compromised brain.
All figures (12)
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    1. Alzheimer's A. 2015 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11:332–384. - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G. Age-related myelin breakdown: a developmental model of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol. Aging. 2004;25:5–18. (author reply 49-62) - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G., Lu P.H., Geschwind D.H., Edwards N., Mintz J., Cummings J.L. Apolipoprotein E genotype and age-related myelin breakdown in healthy individuals: implications for cognitive decline and dementia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 2006;63:63–72. - PubMed
    1. Baumann N., Pham-Dinh D. Biology of oligodendrocyte and myelin in the mammalian central nervous system. Physiol. Rev. 2001;81:871–927. - PubMed
    1. Beal M.F. Mitochondria take center stage in aging and neurodegeneration. Ann. Neurol. 2005;58:495–505. - PubMed
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Fig. 7
Fig. 7
Electron microscopic analysis of the structural integrity of white matter in reproductively aging female mice: representative electron microscopy images of myelinated axons in the anterior commissure of A. reproductively irregular, B. reproductively incompetent and C. aged female mice. Quantitative analysis of the percentage of compromised axons in the D. Schaffer collateral pathway, E. anterior commissure and F. corpus callosum in reproductively aging female mice. (A, B, C. N = 3–4; D. N = 4; E. N = 4; F. N = 3). (*p 

Fig. 8

Electron microscopic analysis of lipid…

Fig. 8

Electron microscopic analysis of lipid droplet accumulation in reproductively aging female mice: representative…

Fig. 8
Electron microscopic analysis of lipid droplet accumulation in reproductively aging female mice: representative electron microscopy images of lipid droplet accumulation in the anterior commissure of A. reproductively irregular, B. reproductively incompetent and C. aged female mice. Average number of lipid droplets per cell body in the D. anterior commissure and E. corpus callosum. (A, B. N = 3–4; C. N = 4; D. N = 4; E. N = 3). (*p 

Fig. 9

Lipid profile of female brain…

Fig. 9

Lipid profile of female brain during reproductive aging: A. Sequence of catabolic events…

Fig. 9
Lipid profile of female brain during reproductive aging: A. Sequence of catabolic events that occur during myelin breakdown. B. Levels of brain lipids in reproductively irregular, reproductively incompetent and aged female mice. Lipids were separated into three categorical panels: ceramides, non-esterified fatty acids and TCA metabolites. Red values are indicative of the peak level of a particular lipid and green values indicate statistical significance. (N = 4–6 per group.)

Fig. 10

Expression of proteins involved in…

Fig. 10

Expression of proteins involved in fatty acid transport and metabolism in the aging…

Fig. 10
Expression of proteins involved in fatty acid transport and metabolism in the aging female mouse model: A. CPT1 protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. B. HADHA protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. C. ABAD protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria (A, B, C. N = 3–8). (**p 

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone…

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A.…

Fig. 11
Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A. Hippocampal levels of ketone bodies. B. Cortical levels of ketone bodies. C. Plasma levels of ketone bodies. (A. N = 4 per group; B. N = 5–6; C. N = 3–7). (*p 

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H…

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H 2 O 2 activation of cPLA 2 -sphingomyelinase…

Fig. 12
Schematic model of mitochondrial H2O2 activation of cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway as an adaptive response to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation: The cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway is proposed as a mechanistic pathway that links an early event, mitochondrial dysfunction and H2O2, in the prodromal/preclinical phase of Alzheimer's with later stage development of pathology, white matter degeneration. Our findings demonstrate that an age dependent deficit in mitochondrial respiration and a concomitant rise in oxidative stress activate an adaptive cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation to fuel an energetically compromised brain.
All figures (12)
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    1. Alzheimer's A. 2015 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11:332–384. - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G. Age-related myelin breakdown: a developmental model of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol. Aging. 2004;25:5–18. (author reply 49-62) - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G., Lu P.H., Geschwind D.H., Edwards N., Mintz J., Cummings J.L. Apolipoprotein E genotype and age-related myelin breakdown in healthy individuals: implications for cognitive decline and dementia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 2006;63:63–72. - PubMed
    1. Baumann N., Pham-Dinh D. Biology of oligodendrocyte and myelin in the mammalian central nervous system. Physiol. Rev. 2001;81:871–927. - PubMed
    1. Beal M.F. Mitochondria take center stage in aging and neurodegeneration. Ann. Neurol. 2005;58:495–505. - PubMed
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Fig. 8
Fig. 8
Electron microscopic analysis of lipid droplet accumulation in reproductively aging female mice: representative electron microscopy images of lipid droplet accumulation in the anterior commissure of A. reproductively irregular, B. reproductively incompetent and C. aged female mice. Average number of lipid droplets per cell body in the D. anterior commissure and E. corpus callosum. (A, B. N = 3–4; C. N = 4; D. N = 4; E. N = 3). (*p 

Fig. 9

Lipid profile of female brain…

Fig. 9

Lipid profile of female brain during reproductive aging: A. Sequence of catabolic events…

Fig. 9
Lipid profile of female brain during reproductive aging: A. Sequence of catabolic events that occur during myelin breakdown. B. Levels of brain lipids in reproductively irregular, reproductively incompetent and aged female mice. Lipids were separated into three categorical panels: ceramides, non-esterified fatty acids and TCA metabolites. Red values are indicative of the peak level of a particular lipid and green values indicate statistical significance. (N = 4–6 per group.)

Fig. 10

Expression of proteins involved in…

Fig. 10

Expression of proteins involved in fatty acid transport and metabolism in the aging…

Fig. 10
Expression of proteins involved in fatty acid transport and metabolism in the aging female mouse model: A. CPT1 protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. B. HADHA protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. C. ABAD protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria (A, B, C. N = 3–8). (**p 

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone…

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A.…

Fig. 11
Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A. Hippocampal levels of ketone bodies. B. Cortical levels of ketone bodies. C. Plasma levels of ketone bodies. (A. N = 4 per group; B. N = 5–6; C. N = 3–7). (*p 

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H…

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H 2 O 2 activation of cPLA 2 -sphingomyelinase…

Fig. 12
Schematic model of mitochondrial H2O2 activation of cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway as an adaptive response to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation: The cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway is proposed as a mechanistic pathway that links an early event, mitochondrial dysfunction and H2O2, in the prodromal/preclinical phase of Alzheimer's with later stage development of pathology, white matter degeneration. Our findings demonstrate that an age dependent deficit in mitochondrial respiration and a concomitant rise in oxidative stress activate an adaptive cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation to fuel an energetically compromised brain.
All figures (12)
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    1. Alzheimer's A. 2015 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11:332–384. - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G. Age-related myelin breakdown: a developmental model of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol. Aging. 2004;25:5–18. (author reply 49-62) - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G., Lu P.H., Geschwind D.H., Edwards N., Mintz J., Cummings J.L. Apolipoprotein E genotype and age-related myelin breakdown in healthy individuals: implications for cognitive decline and dementia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 2006;63:63–72. - PubMed
    1. Baumann N., Pham-Dinh D. Biology of oligodendrocyte and myelin in the mammalian central nervous system. Physiol. Rev. 2001;81:871–927. - PubMed
    1. Beal M.F. Mitochondria take center stage in aging and neurodegeneration. Ann. Neurol. 2005;58:495–505. - PubMed
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Fig. 9
Fig. 9
Lipid profile of female brain during reproductive aging: A. Sequence of catabolic events that occur during myelin breakdown. B. Levels of brain lipids in reproductively irregular, reproductively incompetent and aged female mice. Lipids were separated into three categorical panels: ceramides, non-esterified fatty acids and TCA metabolites. Red values are indicative of the peak level of a particular lipid and green values indicate statistical significance. (N = 4–6 per group.)
Fig. 10
Fig. 10
Expression of proteins involved in fatty acid transport and metabolism in the aging female mouse model: A. CPT1 protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. B. HADHA protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria. C. ABAD protein expression in isolated whole brain mitochondria (A, B, C. N = 3–8). (**p 

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone…

Fig. 11

Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A.…

Fig. 11
Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A. Hippocampal levels of ketone bodies. B. Cortical levels of ketone bodies. C. Plasma levels of ketone bodies. (A. N = 4 per group; B. N = 5–6; C. N = 3–7). (*p 

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H…

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H 2 O 2 activation of cPLA 2 -sphingomyelinase…

Fig. 12
Schematic model of mitochondrial H2O2 activation of cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway as an adaptive response to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation: The cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway is proposed as a mechanistic pathway that links an early event, mitochondrial dysfunction and H2O2, in the prodromal/preclinical phase of Alzheimer's with later stage development of pathology, white matter degeneration. Our findings demonstrate that an age dependent deficit in mitochondrial respiration and a concomitant rise in oxidative stress activate an adaptive cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation to fuel an energetically compromised brain.
All figures (12)
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    1. Alzheimer's A. 2015 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11:332–384. - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G. Age-related myelin breakdown: a developmental model of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol. Aging. 2004;25:5–18. (author reply 49-62) - PubMed
    1. Bartzokis G., Lu P.H., Geschwind D.H., Edwards N., Mintz J., Cummings J.L. Apolipoprotein E genotype and age-related myelin breakdown in healthy individuals: implications for cognitive decline and dementia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 2006;63:63–72. - PubMed
    1. Baumann N., Pham-Dinh D. Biology of oligodendrocyte and myelin in the mammalian central nervous system. Physiol. Rev. 2001;81:871–927. - PubMed
    1. Beal M.F. Mitochondria take center stage in aging and neurodegeneration. Ann. Neurol. 2005;58:495–505. - PubMed
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Fig. 11
Fig. 11
Hippocampal, cortical and plasma ketone body levels in the aging female mouse: A. Hippocampal levels of ketone bodies. B. Cortical levels of ketone bodies. C. Plasma levels of ketone bodies. (A. N = 4 per group; B. N = 5–6; C. N = 3–7). (*p 

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H…

Fig. 12

Schematic model of mitochondrial H 2 O 2 activation of cPLA 2 -sphingomyelinase…

Fig. 12
Schematic model of mitochondrial H2O2 activation of cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway as an adaptive response to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation: The cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway is proposed as a mechanistic pathway that links an early event, mitochondrial dysfunction and H2O2, in the prodromal/preclinical phase of Alzheimer's with later stage development of pathology, white matter degeneration. Our findings demonstrate that an age dependent deficit in mitochondrial respiration and a concomitant rise in oxidative stress activate an adaptive cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation to fuel an energetically compromised brain.
All figures (12)
Fig. 12
Fig. 12
Schematic model of mitochondrial H2O2 activation of cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway as an adaptive response to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation: The cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway is proposed as a mechanistic pathway that links an early event, mitochondrial dysfunction and H2O2, in the prodromal/preclinical phase of Alzheimer's with later stage development of pathology, white matter degeneration. Our findings demonstrate that an age dependent deficit in mitochondrial respiration and a concomitant rise in oxidative stress activate an adaptive cPLA2-sphingomyelinase pathway to provide myelin derived fatty acids as a substrate for ketone body generation to fuel an energetically compromised brain.


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    1. Bartzokis G. Age-related myelin breakdown: a developmental model of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol. Aging. 2004;25:5–18. (author reply 49-62)
    1. Bartzokis G., Lu P.H., Geschwind D.H., Edwards N., Mintz J., Cummings J.L. Apolipoprotein E genotype and age-related myelin breakdown in healthy individuals: implications for cognitive decline and dementia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 2006;63:63–72.
    1. Baumann N., Pham-Dinh D. Biology of oligodendrocyte and myelin in the mammalian central nervous system. Physiol. Rev. 2001;81:871–927.
    1. Beal M.F. Mitochondria take center stage in aging and neurodegeneration. Ann. Neurol. 2005;58:495–505.
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