Neuroenhancement of Memory for Children with Autism by a Mind-Body Exercise

Agnes S Chan, Yvonne M Y Han, Sophia L Sze, Eliza M Lau, Agnes S Chan, Yvonne M Y Han, Sophia L Sze, Eliza M Lau


The memory deficits found in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be caused by the lack of an effective strategy to aid memory. The executive control of memory processing is mediated largely by the timely coupling between frontal and posterior brain regions. The present study aimed to explore the potential effect of a Chinese mind-body exercise, namely Nei Gong, for enhancing learning and memory in children with ASD, and the possible neural basis of the improvement. Sixty-six children with ASD were randomly assigned to groups receiving Nei Gong training (NGT), progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) training, or no training for 1 month. Before and after training, the participants were tested individually on a computerized visual memory task while EEG signals were acquired during the memory encoding phase. Children in the NGT group demonstrated significantly enhanced memory performance and more effective use of a memory strategy, which was not observed in the other two groups. Furthermore, the improved memory after NGT was consistent with findings of elevated EEG theta coherence between frontal and posterior brain regions, a measure of functional coupling. The scalp EEG signals were localized by the standardized low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography method and found to originate from a neural network that promotes effective memory processing, including the prefrontal cortex, the parietal cortex, and the medial and inferior temporal cortex. This alteration in neural processing was not found in children receiving PMR or in those who received no training. The present findings suggest that the mind-body exercise program may have the potential effect on modulating neural functional connectivity underlying memory processing and hence enhance memory functions in individuals with autism.

Keywords: EEG; autism; functional connectivity; memory; mind–body training; neurocognitive enhancement.


An illustration of the experimental paradigm of the visual memory task.
Post-training score minus pre-training score in (A) total recall, (B) semantic clustering, and (C) visual scanning in randomized and organized conditions. Positive values indicate improved performance. The error bars represent 95% confidence interval of the difference between pre- and post-training scores. Control, control group without training; PMR, progressive muscle relaxation; NGT, Nei Gong training. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01 (paired samples t-test).
Changes in (A,B) intra-hemispheric and (C,D) inter-hemispheric theta coherence after 1 month in the three groups in the randomized and organized conditions. Positive values indicate increased theta coherence. The error bars represent 95% confidence interval of the difference between pre- and post-training theta coherence values. Control, control group without training; PMR, progressive muscle relaxation; NGT, Nei Gong training. ∗p < 0.05 (paired samples t-test).
Line topographic maps demonstrate changes in individual theta coherence pairs after training in the randomized and organized conditions across the three groups. Red lines represent coherence pairs showing a significant increase in theta coherence (p < 0.05, paired samples t-test). Control, control group without training; PMR, progressive muscle relaxation; NGT, Nei Gong training.
Graphical representation of the sLORETA paired t-statistics results comparing the pre- and post-training theta source activity of the three groups in the randomized and organized conditions. The regions colored in yellow/red indicate significantly elevated activity after training, while those colored in blue indicate significantly reduced activity, p < 0.05. Control, control group without training; PMR, progressive muscle relaxation; NGT, Nei Gong training.


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