Is only one cognitive technique also effective? Results from a randomized controlled trial of two different versions of an internet-based cognitive behavioural intervention for post-traumatic stress disorder in Arabic-speaking countries

Maria Böttche, Birgit Wagner, Max Vöhringer, Manuel Heinrich, Jana Stein, Pirko Selmo, Nadine Stammel, Christine Knaevelsrud, Maria Böttche, Birgit Wagner, Max Vöhringer, Manuel Heinrich, Jana Stein, Pirko Selmo, Nadine Stammel, Christine Knaevelsrud


Background: Internet-based cognitive-behavioural interventions seem to be effective for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Arabic-speaking countries in the MENA region. However, due to high prevalence rates of trauma-related mental disorders in this region, it is important to scale up existing Internet-based interventions in order to increase the number of clients.

Objective: The aim of the study was to examine whether a brief Internet-based intervention with one cognitive technique (TF-short, 6 assignments) results in the same PTSD symptom change and lower dropouts compared to a longer intervention with two cognitive techniques (TF-reg, 10 assignments).

Method: A total of 224 Arab participants (67.4% female; M = 25.3 years old) with PTSD were randomly assigned to Internet-based CBT with either a TF-reg protocol (n = 110) or a TF-short protocol (n = 114). Symptoms of PTSD and secondary outcomes (anxiety, depression, somatic complaints, quality of life) were self-assessed online at baseline and post-treatment. Treatment-associated changes were estimated using multigroup latent difference score models.

Results: The overall PTSD score assessed with the PDS decreased by about 15 points in both conditions. The between-group differences (TF-reg vs. TF-short) at post-assessment were non-significant, Δ = 0.29, p = .896, d = 0.02, 95% CI [-0.30, 0.34]. Like the primary outcome, all within-group changes for the secondary outcomes throughout the intervention were statistically significant and all between-group effects were non-significant. Overall, the dropout rates did not differ between the two conditions, χ2 (1/N = 175) = 0.83, p = .364.

Conclusions: The findings suggest that the shorter condition results in the same symptom change and dropout rate as the longer condition. This highlights the potential of shorter, more scalable Internet-based interventions in socially restricted and (post-)conflict societies.

Clinicaltrialsgov id: NCT01508377.

Keywords: Arab; CBT; Habla árabe; Internet; PTSD; TCC; TEPT; e-mental health; e-salud mental; escalabilidad; scalability; trauma; 创伤; 可塑性; 心理健康; 网络; 阿拉伯语.

Conflict of interest statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Participant flow for PTSD interventions


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