Biomarkers of sarcopenia in clinical trials-recommendations from the International Working Group on Sarcopenia

Matteo Cesari, Roger A Fielding, Marco Pahor, Bret Goodpaster, Marc Hellerstein, Gabor A van Kan, Stefan D Anker, Seward Rutkove, J Willem Vrijbloed, Maria Isaac, Yves Rolland, Christine M'rini, Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Jesse M Cedarbaum, Mauro Zamboni, Cornell C Sieber, Didier Laurent, William J Evans, Ronenn Roubenoff, John E Morley, Bruno Vellas, International Working Group on Sarcopenia, Matteo Cesari, Roger A Fielding, Marco Pahor, Bret Goodpaster, Marc Hellerstein, Gabor A van Kan, Stefan D Anker, Seward Rutkove, J Willem Vrijbloed, Maria Isaac, Yves Rolland, Christine M'rini, Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Jesse M Cedarbaum, Mauro Zamboni, Cornell C Sieber, Didier Laurent, William J Evans, Ronenn Roubenoff, John E Morley, Bruno Vellas, International Working Group on Sarcopenia


Sarcopenia, the age-related skeletal muscle decline, is associated with relevant clinical and socioeconomic negative outcomes in older persons. The study of this phenomenon and the development of preventive/therapeutic strategies represent public health priorities. The present document reports the results of a recent meeting of the International Working Group on Sarcopenia (a task force consisting of geriatricians and scientists from academia and industry) held on June 7-8, 2011 in Toulouse (France). The meeting was specifically focused at gaining knowledge on the currently available biomarkers (functional, biological, or imaging-related) that could be utilized in clinical trials of sarcopenia and considered the most reliable and promising to evaluate age-related modifications of skeletal muscle. Specific recommendations about the assessment of aging skeletal muscle in older people and the optimal methodological design of studies on sarcopenia were also discussed and finalized. Although the study of skeletal muscle decline is still in a very preliminary phase, the potential great benefits derived from a better understanding and treatment of this condition should encourage research on sarcopenia. However, the reasonable uncertainties (derived from exploring a novel field and the exponential acceleration of scientific progress) require the adoption of a cautious and comprehensive approach to the subject.


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