Representational similarity analysis - connecting the branches of systems neuroscience

Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Marieke Mur, Peter Bandettini, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Marieke Mur, Peter Bandettini


A FUNDAMENTAL CHALLENGE FOR SYSTEMS NEUROSCIENCE IS TO QUANTITATIVELY RELATE ITS THREE MAJOR BRANCHES OF RESEARCH: brain-activity measurement, behavioral measurement, and computational modeling. Using measured brain-activity patterns to evaluate computational network models is complicated by the need to define the correspondency between the units of the model and the channels of the brain-activity data, e.g., single-cell recordings or voxels from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Similar correspondency problems complicate relating activity patterns between different modalities of brain-activity measurement (e.g., fMRI and invasive or scalp electrophysiology), and between subjects and species. In order to bridge these divides, we suggest abstracting from the activity patterns themselves and computing representational dissimilarity matrices (RDMs), which characterize the information carried by a given representation in a brain or model. Building on a rich psychological and mathematical literature on similarity analysis, we propose a new experimental and data-analytical framework called representational similarity analysis (RSA), in which multi-channel measures of neural activity are quantitatively related to each other and to computational theory and behavior by comparing RDMs. We demonstrate RSA by relating representations of visual objects as measured with fMRI in early visual cortex and the fusiform face area to computational models spanning a wide range of complexities. The RDMs are simultaneously related via second-level application of multidimensional scaling and tested using randomization and bootstrap techniques. We discuss the broad potential of RSA, including novel approaches to experimental design, and argue that these ideas, which have deep roots in psychology and neuroscience, will allow the integrated quantitative analysis of data from all three branches, thus contributing to a more unified systems neuroscience.

Keywords: computational modeling; electrophysiology; fMRI; population code; representation; similarity.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Characterizing brain regions by representational similarity structure. For each region, a similarity-graph icon shows the similarities between the activity patterns elicited by four stimulus images. Images placed close together in the icon elicited similar response patterns. Images placed far apart elicited dissimilar response patterns. The color of each connection line indicates whether the response-pattern difference was significant for the group (red: p < 0.01; light gray: p ≥ 0.05, not significant). A connection line, like a rubberband, becomes thinner when stretched beyond the length that would exactly reflect the dissimilarity it represents. Connections also become thicker when compressed. Line thickness, thus, indicates the inevitable distortion of the 2D representation of the higher-dimensional similarity structure. The thickness of the connection lines is chosen such that the area of each connection (length times thickness) precisely reflects the dissimilarity measure. This novel visualization of fMRI response-pattern information combines (A) a multidimensional-scaling arrangement of activity-pattern similarity (as introduced to fMRI by Edelman et al., 1998), (B) a novel rubberband-graph depiction of inevitable distortions, and (C) the results of statistical tests of a pattern-information analysis (for details on the test, see Kriegeskorte et al., 2007). The icons show fixed-effects group analyses for regions of interest individually defined in 11 subjects. Early visual cortex was anatomically defined; all other regions were functionally defined using a data set independent of that used to compute the similarity-graph icons and statistical tests.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Computation of the representational dissimilarity matrix. For each pair of experimental conditions, the associated activity patterns (in a brain region or model) are compared by spatial correlation. The dissimilarity between them is measured as 1 minus the correlation (0 for perfect correlation, 1 for no correlation, 2 for perfect anticorrelation). These dissimilarities for all pairs of conditions are assembled in the RDM. Each cell of the RDM, thus, compares the response patterns elicited by two images. As a consequence, an RDM is symmetric about a diagonal of zeros. To visualize the representation for a small number of conditions, we suggest the similarity-graph icon (top right, cf. Figure 1).
Figure 3
Figure 3
The representational dissimilarity matrix as a hub that relates different representations. (A) Systems neuroscience has struggled to relate its three major branches of research: behavioral experimentation, brain-activity experimentation, and computational modeling. So far these branches have interacted largely on two levels: (1) They have interacted on the level of verbal theory, i.e., by comparing conclusions drawn from separate analyses. This level is essential, but it is not quantitative. (2) They have interacted at the level characteristic functions, e.g., by comparing psychometric and neurometric functions. This form of bringing the branches in touch is equally essential and can be quantitative. However, characteristic functions typically contain only a small number of data points, so the interface is not informationally rich. Note that the RDM shown is based on only four conditions, yielding only (42 − 4)/2 = 6 parameters. However, since the number of parameters grows as the square of the number of conditions, the RDM can provide an informationally rich interface for relating different representations. Consider for example the 96-image experiment we discuss, where the matrix has (962 − 96)/2 = 4,560 parameters. (B) This panel illustrates in greater detail what different representations can be related via the quantitative interface provided by the RDM. We arbitrarily chose the example of fMRI to illustrate the within-modality relationships that can be established. Note that all these relationships are difficult to establish otherwise (gray double arrows).
Figure 4
Figure 4
Unsupervised arrangement of 96 experimental conditions reflecting pairwise activity-pattern similarity. As in Figure 1, but for 96 instead of 4 conditions, the arrangements reflect the activity-pattern similarity structure. Each panel visualizes the RDM from the corresponding panel in Figure 10. Each condition (corresponding to the presentation of one of 96 object images) is represented by a colored dot, where the color codes for the category (legend at the bottom). In each panel, dots placed close together indicate that the two conditions were associated with similar activity patterns. Dots placed far apart indicate that the two conditions were associated with dissimilar activity patterns. The panels show results of non-metric multidimensional scaling (minimizing the loss function “stress”) for two brain regions (rows) and three activity-pattern dissimilarity measures (columns). Note that a categorical clustering of the face-image response patterns is apparent in the right FFA (bottom row), but not in early visual cortex (top row). (Note that the absolute activation differences could be represented by an arrangement along a straight line, had the dissimilarity matrices not been averaged across subjects.)
Figure 5
Figure 5
Model representations of two example images. Two example images (A,B) from the 96-image experiment and their representations in a number of computational models, including standard transformations of image processing as well as neuroscientifically motivated models. Note that each such representation defines a unique similarity structure for the 96 stimuli (as encapsulated in the RDMs of Figure 6).
Figure 6
Figure 6
Representational dissimilarity matrices for models and brain regions. Dissimilarity matrices for model representations and regional brain representations (as introduced in Figure 2). The dissimilarity measure is 1 − correlation (Pearson correlation across space). Note that each model yields a unique representational similarity structure that can be compared to that of each brain region (bottom five matrices). This comparison is carried out quantitatively in the following figure. The text labels indicate the representation depicted with the color indicating the type: complex computational model (blue), simple computational model (black), conceptual model (green), brain representation (red).
Figure 7
Figure 7
Design matrix for condition-rich ungrouped-events fMRI design. Both panels illustrate the design matrix used for the 96-image experiment, an example of a condition-rich ungrouped-events design. The top panel shows the hemodynamic predictor time courses for the experimental events occurring in the first couple of minutes of the first run. Note that events occur at 4-s trial-onset asynchrony, yielding overlapping but dissociable hemodynamic responses and a reasonable frequency of stimulus presentation. (Each of the 96 conditions occurs exactly once in each run. The condition sequence is independently randomized for each run.) The bottom panel shows the complete design matrix with predictor amplitude color coded (see colorbar on the right). In addition to the 96 predictors for the experimental conditions, the design matrix also includes components modeling slow artefactual trends and residual head-motion artefacts (after rigid-body head-motion correction), and a confound-mean predictor for each run.
Figure 8
Figure 8
Matching models to brain regions by comparing representational dissimilarity matrices. The dissimilarity matrices characterizing the representation in early visual cortex (top) and the right FFA (bottom) are compared to dissimilarity matrices obtained from model representations and other brain regions. Each bar indicates the deviation between the RDM of the reference region (early visual cortex or the right FFA) and that of a model or other brain region. The deviation is measured as 1 minus the Spearman correlation between dissimilarity matrices (for motivation see Step 4 and Appendix). Text-label colors indicate the type of representation: complex computational model (blue), simple computational model (black), conceptual model (green), brain representation (red). Error bars indicate the standard error of the deviation estimate. (The standard error is estimated as the standard deviation of 100 deviation estimates obtained from bootstrap resamplings of the conditions set.) The number below each bar indicates the p-value for a test of relatedness between the reference matrix (early visual cortex or the right FFA) and that of the model or other region. (The test is based on 10,000 randomizations of the condition labels.) The black line indicates the noise floor, i.e., the expected deviation between the empirical reference RDM (with noise) and the underlying true RDM (without noise). The red line indicates the expected retest deviation between the empirical dissimilarity matrices that would be obtained for the reference region if the experiment were repeated with different subjects (both matrices affected by noise). Both of these reference lines as well as the dissimilarity signal-to-noise ratios (dissimilarity SNR: below the titles) are estimated from the variability of the dissimilarity estimates across subjects.
Figure 9
Figure 9
Simultaneously relating all pairs of representations. Figure 8 showed the relationships between two reference regions and all models and other regions. Here we simultaneously visualize the pair-relationships between all models and regions (text labels). Note that the visualization of all pair-relationships comes at a cost: statistical information is omitted here. Text-label colors indicate the type of representation: complex computational model (blue), simple computational model (black), conceptual model (green), brain representation (red). (A) The correlation matrix (Spearman rank correlation) of RDMs. (B) Multidimensional scaling arrangement (minimizing metric stress) of the representations. Note that MDS was used here to arrange not activity patterns (as in Figures 1 and 4), but dissimilarity matrices. The rubberband graph (gray connections) depicts the inevitable distortions introduced by arranging the models in 2D (see legend of Figure 1 for an explanation).
Figure 10
Figure 10
Dissimilarity matrices of activity patterns elicited in early visual cortex and FFA by viewing 96 object images. Dissimilarity matrices (as introduced in Figure 2) are shown for early visual cortex (top row) and right FFA (bottom row) and for three different measures of dissimilarity (columns): 1 − correlation (Pearson correlation across space), the Euclidean distance between the two response patterns (in standard error units) and the absolute activation difference (i.e., the absolute value of the difference of the spatial-mean activity level). The absolute activation difference is sensitive only to the overall level of activation and has been included only because regional-average activation is conventionally targeted in fMRI analysis. Note that the correlation distance (1 − correlation) normalizes for both the overall activation and the variability of activity across space. It is therefore the preferred measure for detecting distributed representations without sensitivity to the global activity level (which could be attributed e.g., to attention). The Euclidean distance combines sensitivity to pattern shape, spatial-mean activity level, and variability across space. Note that as expected using the Euclidean distance yields an RDM resembling both the one obtained with correlation distance and the one obtained with absolute activation difference. The matrices have been separately histogram-equalized (percentile units) for easier comparison. Dissimilarity matrices were averaged across two sessions for each of four subjects.
Figure 11
Figure 11
Design efficiency as a function of trial-onset asynchrony for a 96-condition fMRI design. This figure shows simulation results exploring how statistical efficiency depends on the trial-onset asynchrony (TOA) under linear-systems assumptions for a 96-condition design with one hemodynamic-response predictor per condition and a random sequence of experimental events (including 25% null events for baseline estimation). We assume that about 50 min of fMRI data are to be collected in a single subject. The simulation suggests a simple conclusion: The more closely the trials are spaced in time, the higher the efficiency will be (top panels) for single-conditions (cyan) and pairwise condition contrasts (red). Doubling the number of trials packed into the same 50-min period, then, would improve efficiency about as much as performing the whole experiment twice: decreasing the standard errors of the estimates roughly by a factor of sqrt(2). In other words, the standard errors are proportional to sqrt(TOA). (Why does not the greater response overlap decrease efficiency? For an intuitive understanding, consider that although the greater response overlap for shorter TOAs correlates predictors, the greater number of event repetitions decorrelates them.) Importantly, however, the straightforward relationship suggested by the simulation rests on the assumption of a linear neuronal and hemodynamic response system. In reality, the effects of closely spaced events may interact at the neuronal level and the hemodynamic responses may also not behave linearly (e.g., three 16-ms stimuli at a TOA of 32-ms are unlikely to elicit a hemodynamic response that is three times higher than that to a single such stimulus). The choice of TOA therefore requires an informed guess regarding the short-TOA nonlinearity for the particular experimental events used. For the 96-image experiment, we chose a TOA of 4 s. Details on the simulation and an intuitive explanation for the result are given in the Appendix (Section “Optimal Condition-Rich fMRI Design”), along with further discussion of design choices including the TOA.


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