Circulating microparticles are elevated in haemophiliacs and non-haemophilic individuals aged Valérie Proulle  1 , Bénédicte Hugel, Benoit Guillet, Lélia Grunebaum, Thierry Lambert, Jean-Marie Freyssinet, Marie Dreyfus Affiliations Expand Affiliation 1 Service d'Hématologie Biologique, AP-HP, Hôpital Bicêtre, Faculté de Médecine Paris XI, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France. PMID: 16281940 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2005.05792.x Free article Item in Clipboard

Valérie Proulle, Bénédicte Hugel, Benoit Guillet, Lélia Grunebaum, Thierry Lambert, Jean-Marie Freyssinet, Marie Dreyfus, Valérie Proulle, Bénédicte Hugel, Benoit Guillet, Lélia Grunebaum, Thierry Lambert, Jean-Marie Freyssinet, Marie Dreyfus


Platelet and cell stimulation lead to plasma membrane remodelling, resulting in phosphatidylserine (PS) externalisation in the outer leaflet of the membrane, associated with the shedding of PS-rich microparticles (MPs), and contributes to thrombin generation by promoting the assembly of coagulation enzyme complexes. A previous study assessed MP levels in haemophiliacs after haemostatic treatment. To further investigate in vivo membrane remodelling, MP levels and characteristics were studied in 79 haemophiliacs and in 62 non-haemophiliacs. Both groups showed heterogeneity in MP levels, with higher values in individuals <18 years. This finding should be considered when studying MP levels in individuals <18 years.

Source: PubMed
