Individual differences in haemoglobin concentration influence bold fMRI functional connectivity and its correlation with cognition

Phillip G D Ward, Edwina R Orchard, Stuart Oldham, Aurina Arnatkevičiūtė, Francesco Sforazzini, Alex Fornito, Elsdon Storey, Gary F Egan, Sharna D Jamadar, Phillip G D Ward, Edwina R Orchard, Stuart Oldham, Aurina Arnatkevičiūtė, Francesco Sforazzini, Alex Fornito, Elsdon Storey, Gary F Egan, Sharna D Jamadar


Resting-state connectivity measures the temporal coherence of the spontaneous neural activity of spatially distinct regions, and is commonly measured using BOLD-fMRI. The BOLD response follows neuronal activity, when changes in the relative concentration of oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin cause fluctuations in the MRI T2* signal. Since the BOLD signal detects changes in relative concentrations of oxy/deoxy-haemoglobin, individual differences in haemoglobin levels may influence the BOLD signal-to-noise ratio in a manner independent of the degree of neural activity. In this study, we examined whether group differences in haemoglobin may confound measures of functional connectivity. We investigated whether relationships between measures of functional connectivity and cognitive performance could be influenced by individual variability in haemoglobin. Finally, we mapped the neuroanatomical distribution of the influence of haemoglobin on functional connectivity to determine where group differences in functional connectivity are manifest. In a cohort of 518 healthy elderly subjects (259 men), each sex group was median-split into two groups with high and low haemoglobin concentration. Significant differences were obtained in functional connectivity between the high and low haemoglobin groups for both men and women (Cohen's d 0.17 and 0.03 for men and women respectively). The haemoglobin connectome in males showed a widespread systematic increase in functional connectivity correlation values, whilst the female connectome showed predominantly parietal and subcortical increases and temporo-parietal decreases. Despite the haemoglobin groups having no differences in cognitive measures, significant differences in the linear relationships between cognitive performance and functional connectivity were obtained for all 5 cognitive tests in males, and 4 out of 5 tests in females. Our findings confirm that individual variability in haemoglobin levels that give rise to group differences are an important confounding variable in BOLD-fMRI-based studies of functional connectivity. Controlling for haemoglobin variability as a potentially confounding variable is crucial to ensure the reproducibility of human brain connectome studies, especially in studies that compare groups of individuals, compare sexes, or examine connectivity-cognition relationships.

Trial registration: NCT01038583.

Keywords: Fmri; Functional connectivity; Functional connectome; Haematocrit; Haemoglobin.

Conflict of interest statement

Declaration of Competing Interest The authors have no competing or conflicting interests.

Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.


Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
The effect of haemoglobin on resting-state functional connectivity for (A) females and (B) males. Values are Cohen’s d effect sizes of the difference between high-haemoglobin and low-haemoglobin groups. Abbreviation: Hb, haemoglobin.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.
Correlation between resting-state functional connectivity and haemoglobin values in (A) Females and (B) Males. Upper plots (i.) show distribution of linear coefficients (t-values). Middle plots (ii.) show distribution of explained variance, and lower panel (iii.) shows distribution of p-values. Each panel compares the distribution of obtained values to a null distribution, calculated by randomly permuting haemoglobin values between subjects and refitting the identical model.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.
Spatial representation of regions strongly influenced by haemoglobin in resting-state functional connectivity (region degree, blue-green colour bar), and the probabilistic location of the major draining veins (see Ward et al., 2018; red-yellow colour bar), for (A) females and (B) males. Degree is defined by the number of edges connected to a region with correlation in the 90th percentile. Supplementary Figure 2 show results at different thresholds and standardised to a t-distribution.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.
Correlation between resting-state functional connectivity and cognitive test performance (y-axis) in five domains, (top-bottom) 3MS, Stroop, SDMT, COWAT. Each dot denotes an edge in the functional connectivity matrix correlated with the cognitive test score. The black line shows the relationship between the cognitive score and functional connectivity calculated for the entire cohort. The order of the edges (x-axis) is denoted by the coefficients on the entire cohort. The blue points show the relationship between the cognitive score and functional connectivity for the low haemoglobin group. The red points show the relationship between the cognitive score and functional connectivity for the high haemoglobin group. Abbreviations: 3MS, modified mini-mental state exam; SDMT, symbol-digit modalities test; COWAT, controlled word association test; Hb, haemoglobin.


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