Risk factors related to intimate partner violence police recidivism in Spain

Juan José López-Ossorio, José Luis González Álvarez, Sara Buquerín Pascual, Luis F García, Gualberto Buela-Casal, Juan José López-Ossorio, José Luis González Álvarez, Sara Buquerín Pascual, Luis F García, Gualberto Buela-Casal


Background/Objective: Some professionals, such as police officers, are required to prevent violent behavior, such as intimate partner violence (IPV). For this task they use actuarial tools designed to estimate the risk of occurrence of further violence after a previous complaint (police recidivism), taking into account risk and protective indicators which they can observe, in spite of they are not behavioral assessment experts. Method: To try to refine the police risk assessments carried out in Spain since 2007 and to improve the two tools available on the Spanish VioGén System, Police Risk Assessment and Risk Evolution (VPR3.1 and VPER3.0), this paper, using an epidemiological design, in a sample of 6,613 new cases of IPV of Spain, studies empirical relationships among 65 indicators (56 risk and 9 protection) and IPV police recidivism up to six months. Results: It resulted in a recidivism rate of 7.4%, finding statistically significant associations of 46 indicators. Conclusions: Empirical evidence about static indicators and new relevant dynamic indicators in the victims' police protection management is presented. Practical implications for future police risk assessments are discussed.

Keywords: Ex post facto study; Intimate partner violence; Recidivism; VioGen system; Violence risk factors.


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