Changing epidemiology of lower extremity fractures in adults over a 15-year period - a National Hospital Discharge Registry study

Philipp Hemmann, Maximilian Friederich, Daniel Körner, Tim Klopfer, Christian Bahrs, Philipp Hemmann, Maximilian Friederich, Daniel Körner, Tim Klopfer, Christian Bahrs


Background: Demographic changes led to an increasingly ageing population in Germany and thus to possible changes in the frequency of fractures. The primary aim of this study was to report changes in fracture rates of the lower extremities in Germany in 2002 compared to 2017 and to evaluate those changes.

Methods: Inpatient data from the German National Hospital Discharge Registry (ICD10) for 2002 and 2017 were evaluated. Changes in total counts and incidence rates were analysed for fractures in the following locations: femoral neck, pertrochanteric, subtrochanteric, distal femur, femoral shaft, proximal and distal tibia, tibial shaft, medial and lateral malleolus, and other parts of the lower leg (including bi- and trimalleolar fractures), calcaneus, talus, other tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, greater toe, lesser toe, other fractures of foot or unspecific fractures of foot and toe. Patients were classed into age groups by sex: 15-24, 25-34,35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85-90 and > 90 years.

Results: The total count for lower extremity fractures in men and women increased slightly by 4.5% from 305,764 in 2002 to 319,422 in 2017. Hip and femur fractures increased by 23.5% from 150,565 in 2002 to 185,979 in 2017. The number of these fractures among men increased by 46% and among women by 15.3%. The total count of lower leg fractures decreased by 15.4% from 131,162 in 2002 to 110,924 in 2017. Especially, younger age groups showed a decline for all tibial segments and ankle fractures. For both sexes, the number of lower leg fractures in those 75 years or older increased in all lower leg fracture locations. Most femur and lower leg fractures occurred in women. The incidence of fractures rose sharply from 2002 to 2017, especially for older cohorts.

Conclusion: The total numbers of lower extremity fractures increased slightly in 2017 compared to 2002 - especially hip and femur fractures among men. The incidence of almost all lower extremity fracture types among older people increased during this time. Women were particularly affected. Therefore, focused prevention programmes should be considered including an extended fracture spectrum in the elderly.

Keywords: Epidemiology; Fracture; Geriatric; Incidence; Lower extremity.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Incidences of proximal femoral neck fractures in a men, b women and c both (n/100,000/year) for 2002 and 2017
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Incidences of pertrochanteric fractures in a men, b women and c both (n/100,000/year) for 2002 and 2017
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Incidences of proximal subtrochanteric fractures in a men, b women and c both (n/100,000/year) for 2002 and 2017
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Incidences of femoral shaft fractures in a men, b women and c both (n/100,000/year) for 2002 and 2017
Fig. 5
Fig. 5
Incidences of distal femur fractures in a men, b women and c both (n/100,000/year) for 2002 and 2017
Fig. 6
Fig. 6
Incidences of proximal tibial fractures in a men, b women and c both (n/100,000/year) for 2002 and 2017
Fig. 7
Fig. 7
Incidences of tibial shaft fractures in a men, b women and c both (n/100,000/year) for 2002 and 2017
Fig. 8
Fig. 8
Incidences for fractures of other parts of the lower leg (including bi- and trimalleolar fractures) in a men, b women and c both (n/1000,000/year) for 2002 and 2017


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