The role of emotion regulation and core autism symptoms in the experience of anxiety in autism

Caitlin M Conner, Susan W White, Lawrence Scahill, Carla A Mazefsky, Caitlin M Conner, Susan W White, Lawrence Scahill, Carla A Mazefsky


Many children with autism spectrum disorder have problems with managing their emotions (emotion regulation) and anxiety. In this study, over 1000 parents completed an online survey which showed that emotion regulation and anxiety are closely linked. Although emotion regulation and anxiety are inter-connected, the results also show that autism symptoms play an important role in anxiety in autism spectrum disorder. Emotion regulation problems may be an important target for the treatment of anxiety in autism.

Keywords: anxiety; core autism spectrum disorder symptoms; emotion regulation; reactivity.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest Statement: Dr. Conner and Dr. Mazefsky report no conflicts.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Interaction between SRS-2 and Emotion Regulation on Anxiety Symptoms SD= Standard Deviation; SRS-2= Social Responsiveness Scale, 2nd Edition; PRAS-ASD= Parent-Rated Anxiety Scale-ASD score; EDI= Emotion Dysregulation Inventory


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