The Effects of Dietary Nutrition on Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Mingxia Zhao, Houzhen Tuo, Shuhui Wang, Lin Zhao, Mingxia Zhao, Houzhen Tuo, Shuhui Wang, Lin Zhao


Sleep disorder significantly affects the life quality of a large number of people but is still an underrecognized disease. Dietary nutrition is believed to play a significant impact on sleeping wellness. Many nutritional supplements have been used trying to benefit sleep wellness. However, the relationship between nutritional components and sleep is complicated. Nutritional factors vary dramatically with different diet patterns and depend significantly on the digestive and metabiotic functions of each individual. Moreover, nutrition can profoundly affect the hormones and inflammation status which directly or indirectly contribute to insomnia. In this review, we summarized the role of major nutritional factors, carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and vitamins on sleep and sleep disorders and discussed the potential mechanisms.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists.

Copyright © 2020 Mingxia Zhao et al.


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