The Use of Virtual Therapy in Cardiac Rehabilitation of Male Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Randomized Pilot Study

Sandra Jóźwik, Adam Wrzeciono, Błażej Cieślik, Paweł Kiper, Joanna Szczepańska-Gieracha, Robert Gajda, Sandra Jóźwik, Adam Wrzeciono, Błażej Cieślik, Paweł Kiper, Joanna Szczepańska-Gieracha, Robert Gajda


The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy (VRT) in the treatment of anxiety-depressive disorders and in reducing stress levels in a group of men with coronary heart disease (CHD) participating in cardiac rehabilitation (CR). The study included 34 men with CHD who were assigned to the experimental group (EG) or the control group (CG). CR in the EG was supported by 8 VRT sessions, while CR in the CG was supplemented with 8 SAT sessions. Anxiety-depressive disorders were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Perceived stress was assessed using the Perception of Stress Questionnaire (PSQ). In the EG, all measured parameters improved after the intervention. Significant reductions in HADS total score, the HADS-A, general stress score, emotional tension, and the external stress were obtained. In the CG, a deterioration in all measured parameters was observed. Significant changes were obtained in the general stress score and intrapsychic stress. The analysis between groups showed that the effectiveness of psychological interventions significantly differed between groups. The study results confirmed that supplementing standard CR with VRT leads to an improvement in the mental state of the patients and thus has a positive effect on the course of CR. However, the small sample size and high withdrawal rate prompt cautious interpretation of the results.

Keywords: cardiac rehabilitation; mental health; virtual reality.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
The flow diagram.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Between-group analysis of the HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) questionnaire scores in pre- and post-rehabilitation: (a) anxiety, (b) depression, and (c) total score. CG—control group; EG—experimental group. Squares and circles show the mean, vertical lines show standard deviations, and slanted lines show the direction of between-group measurements change of the mean values.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Between-groups analysis of the PSQ questionnaire scores in pre- and post-rehabilitation: (a) emotional tension; (b) external stress; (c) intrapsychic stress; and (d) total score. CG—control group; EG—experimental group; PSQ—Perception of Stress Questionnaire. Squares and circles show the mean, vertical lines show standard deviations, and slanted lines show the direction of between-group measurements change of the mean values.


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