Medication-related factors associated with health-related quality of life in patients older than 65 years with polypharmacy

Alonso Montiel-Luque, Antonio Jesús Núñez-Montenegro, Esther Martín-Aurioles, Jose Carlos Canca-Sánchez, Maria Carmen Toro-Toro, José Antonio González-Correa, Polipresact Research Group, Alonso Montiel-Luque, Antonio Jesús Núñez-Montenegro, Esther Martín-Aurioles, Jose Carlos Canca-Sánchez, Maria Carmen Toro-Toro, José Antonio González-Correa, Polipresact Research Group


Methods and design: Objective: To describe the relationship between medication-related factors and the health-related quality of life in patients older than 65 years who use multiple medications (polypharmacy). Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Setting: Primary care. Participants: Patients older than 65 years who use multiple medications (n = 375). Measurements: The main outcome measure was health-related quality of life according to the EuroQol-5D instrument. Sociodemographic, clinical and medication-related variables were recorded during home interviews.

Results: Mean age was 74.72 ± 5.59 years, and 65.5% of our participants were women. The global level of health-related quality of life according to the EQ-5D visual analog scale was 59.25 ± 20.92. Of the five EuroQol dimensions, anxiety/depression and pain were the most frequently reported, while mobility and self-care were the dimensions with the greatest impact on self-reported quality of life. Multivariate analysis indicated that functional independence was the factor most strongly associated (β = 14.27 p < 0.001) with better health-related quality of life, while illiteracy (β = -13.58 p < 0.001), depression (β = -10.13 p < 0.001), social risk (β = -7.23 p = 0.004) and using more than 10 medicines (β = -4.85 p = 0.009) were strongly associated with a poorer health-related quality of life.

Conclusions: Factors inherent within the patient such as functional incapacity, cognitive impairment and social and emotional problems were the main constraints to quality of life in our study population. The number of medicines taken was negatively related with quality of life.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Perceived quality of life (EQ-VAS)…
Fig 1. Perceived quality of life (EQ-VAS) according to different dimensions.


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