Telemedicine: Development of a distance care system for pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients

Natália Maria da Silva Fernandes, Marcus Gomes Bastos, Nivalda A C de Oliveira, Alex do Vale Costa, Heder Soares Bernardino, Natália Maria da Silva Fernandes, Marcus Gomes Bastos, Nivalda A C de Oliveira, Alex do Vale Costa, Heder Soares Bernardino


Introduction: The focus in the treatment of CKD is to prevent its progression through optimal medical control. The large number of patients with CKD has pressed nephrologists to assess more patients into ever-smaller periods of consultation. The use of light technologies as a promising form of health care. The internet offers the opportunity to manipulate the doctor in his professional contact with the user.

Objective: To develop a web system to attend the patients with CKD not on dialysis and clinically stable stages at distance.

Methods: Developed a system using the Java language, MySQL database and PrimeFaces framework; available on a Glassfish application server.

Results: The initial access is performed by the nephrologist, which registers the patients with their personal information and access data. After being registered, the patient (or family doctor) can enter the data of your query and these will be following, passed on to the nephrologist for evaluation. The form with the data of interest is pre-determined, but there is possibility to add free-form information. The system enables, in addition, there is exchange of messages between doctors and patients. In addition, users receive messages via e-mail alerting them of their duties. Confidentiality is guaranteed by individual passwords for doctors and patients.

Conclusion: This tool will enable to increase the coverage area of nephrologists, reduce costs and bring the patient to the primary care physician, using the Family Health Program as an interface between the patient and the nephrology secondary care.

Source: PubMed
