The Role of Compassion and Mindfulness in Building Parental Resilience When Caring for Children With Chronic Conditions: A Conceptual Model

Tara M Cousineau, Lorraine M Hobbs, Kimberly C Arthur, Tara M Cousineau, Lorraine M Hobbs, Kimberly C Arthur


Compassion- and mindfulness-based interventions (CMBIs) and therapies hold promise to support parent resilience by enabling adaptive stress appraisal and coping, mindful parenting, and perhaps crucially, self-compassion. These contemplative modalities have recently been expanded to parents of children with chronic illness, building on successful applications for adults facing stress, chronic pain, or mental illness, and for healthcare professionals in response to caregiver burnout resulting from their work. The design and adaptation of interventions and therapies require a conceptual model of parent resilience in the context of childhood chronic illness that integrates mindfulness and compassion. The objective of this paper is to propose and describe such a model. First, we review the need for parent support interventions for this population. Second, we introduce a Model of Compassion, Mindfulness, and Resilience in Parental Caregiving. We highlight the mindful parenting approaches, guiding theories for adaptive coping, and family resilience frameworks that informed our model. Third, we describe a case of a parent to illustrate a practical application model. Finally, we outline future directions for intervention development and research to examine the impact of CMBIs on parent resilience.

Keywords: children with illness/disability; compassion; conceptual model; family resilience; mindfulness; parent; self-compassion.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Model of Compassion, Mindfulness and Resilience in Parental Caregiving. The model places the parents in the center, as the source of their own well-being. The blue ring shows the three core areas of skill development in CMBIs. Developing these skills can enable the parent to cultivate three capacities in the green ring – appraisal and coping, emotion regulation, and compassionate attention – which are essential when parenting a child with a chronic condition. There is a bidirectional relationship between these inner resources and the trajectory of a chronic condition (orange ring) because the parent’s resilience can be challenged or further developed in response to changing circumstances surrounding the child’s health and care needs and other contextual factors (outside the rings).


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