Afraid of the dark: Light acutely suppresses activity in the human amygdala

Elise M McGlashan, Govinda R Poudel, Sharna D Jamadar, Andrew J K Phillips, Sean W Cain, Elise M McGlashan, Govinda R Poudel, Sharna D Jamadar, Andrew J K Phillips, Sean W Cain


Light improves mood. The amygdala plays a critical role in regulating emotion, including fear-related responses. In rodents the amygdala receives direct light input from the retina, and light may play a role in fear-related learning. A direct effect of light on the amygdala represents a plausible mechanism of action for light's mood-elevating effects in humans. However, the effect of light on activity in the amygdala in humans is not well understood. We examined the effect of passive dim-to-moderate white light exposure on activation of the amygdala in healthy young adults using the BOLD fMRI response (3T Siemens scanner; n = 23). Participants were exposed to alternating 30s blocks of light (10 lux or 100 lux) and dark (<1 lux), with each light intensity being presented separately. Light, compared with dark, suppressed activity in the amygdala. Moderate light exposure resulted in greater suppression of amygdala activity than dim light. Furthermore, functional connectivity between the amygdala and ventro-medial prefrontal cortex was enhanced during light relative to dark. These effects may contribute to light's mood-elevating effects, via a reduction in negative, fear-related affect and enhanced processing of negative emotion.

Conflict of interest statement

EMM, GRP & SDJ declare no relevant conflicts. AJKP and SWC are both investigators on projects funded by the Alertness Safety and Productivity CRC, have received research funds from Versalux and Delos, and, consulted for Beacon. SWC has additionally consulted for Versalux and Dyson. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.


Fig 1. Light, compared with dark, decreased…
Fig 1. Light, compared with dark, decreased activation in the amygdala and increased functional connectivity between the amygdala and ventro-medial prefrontal cortex.
(a) Voxels with significantly decreased activity in the amygdala during light relative to dark (p<0.05, small volume correction using bilateral amygdala mask); (b) average time-course of the baseline-corrected BOLD signal across individuals (shaded areas represent SEM). Time-courses were obtained by averaging the normalized BOLD signal for the 8 cycles each of light and dark periods from significant voxels within the amygdala; (c) BOLD signal % change in the cluster (4 voxels) showing greater deactivation during 100 lux compared with 10 lux (p<0.05, cluster corrected within the bilateral amygdala mask). The peak voxel was located at MNI: 25, -7, 19. Individual responses are represented by circles, and dashed and dotted lines represent the median and upper/lower quartiles, respectively; and (d) voxels (53 voxels) within the vmPFC mask showing a significant interaction effect for light vs. dark for functional connectivity with the amygdala (p<0.05, cluster corrected within the vmPFC mask). The peak voxel was located at MNI: 2, 35, -14. Note: Slice labels in panels a, c, and d denote MNI slice numbers. Activation maps are shown on an MNI template and visualized using MRICroGL software using radiological orientation.


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