United Pharma (K) Ltd

Phone: +254 712 951081; +254 20 821761; +254 20 821 762; +254 20 823 511

Fax: +254 20 821760

E-mail: sales@unitedpharma.co.ke


We are Manufacturers, Importers, Exporters and Distributors of Pharmaceutical Healthcare, Nutritional and Generic Products. United Pharma (K) Ltd is a recognized importer, wholesaler and distributor of pharmaceutical and medical devices in East Africa. Over the years we have established ourselves as a leading supplier of affordable and quality Human Health Medicines. Today, we have ventured across the Sub-Saharan region. By creating strong relationships with reliable partners and through development of synergies with local distributors and retailers, we have been able deliver our products across the region.

For detailed contact information visit location pages below.

United Pharma (K) Ltd's locations around the world
