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Searching the Best Prognostic Factor in Out Come Evaluation in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis Admitted at Assiut University Hospitals

2017년 8월 23일 업데이트: Fady Refaat Edwar Nasrallah

Searching the Best Best Prognostic Factor in Out Come Evaluation in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis Admitted at Assiut University Hospitals

Acute pancreatitis (AP) is rapid-onset inflammation of the pancreas that varies in severity from a self-limiting mild illness to rapidly progressive multiple organ failure. Statistics suggest that 10-20% of patients with AP develop severe AP (SAP),1 which usually has an unfavourable disease progression and is associated with a poor prognosis.

The two most common and important causes of acute pancreatitis are gallstones (40-70%) and alcohol (25-35%) Gallstone pancreatitis is usually due to an obstructing stone in the pancreatic duct near the sphincter of Oddi . In alcohol-related pancreatitis, it is believed that the acinar cells of the pancreas are susceptible to damage by ethanol and underlie the etiology of the disease . Another common cause, iatrogenic pancreatitis, may occur after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in up to 5% of patients. Other etiologies of acute pancreatitis include medications, infections, trauma, hereditary, hypertriglyceridemia and autoimmune disease.

연구 개요


알려지지 않은

상세 설명

Acute pancreatitis (AP) is rapid-onset inflammation of the pancreas that varies in severity from a self-limiting mild illness to rapidly progressive multiple organ failure. Statistics suggest that 10-20% of patients with AP develop severe AP (SAP),1 which usually has an unfavourable disease progression and is associated with a poor prognosis. (Banks PA, Bollen,et al.).

The two most common and important causes of acute pancreatitis are gallstones (40-70%) and alcohol (25-35%) (Tenner S et al., 2014) Gallstone pancreatitis is usually due to an obstructing stone in the pancreatic duct near the sphincter of Oddi ( Bhatia M et al .,2005). In alcohol-related pancreatitis, it is believed that the acinar cells of the pancreas are susceptible to damage by ethanol and underlie the etiology of the disease ( Tonsi AF et al ., 2009). Another common cause, iatrogenic pancreatitis, may occur after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in up to 5% of patients. Other etiologies of acute pancreatitis include medications, infections, trauma, hereditary, hypertriglyceridemia and autoimmune disease.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, a patient must have two of the following three features present to make a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis The diagnostic criteria used for acute pancreatitis includes:

  1. Clinical criteria - history of pain in abdomen radiating to the back and relieved on bending forward associated with tenderness/guarding in the upper abdomen.
  2. Radiographic evidence - Computed Tomography findings suggestive of acute pancreatitis such as pancreatic edema, pancreatic necrosis, peripancreatic fluid collections
  3. Biochemical - Serum amylase concentration greater than 180 Somogyii units (by the Somogyii method).

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등록 (예상)



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샘플링 방법

확률 샘플

연구 인구

Evaluation of the best prognostic parameter in patients with acute pancreatitis


Inclusion Criteria:

  • 100 patients with acute pancreatitis admitted at Assiut university hospital and the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is confirmed if at least two of the following three features present:

    1. abdominal pain characteristic of acute pancreatitis.
    2. serum amylase and/or lipase greater than 3 times the upper limit of normal .
    3. radiographically demonstrated acute pancreatitis on CT scan or abdominal ultrasound.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Patients are excluded from the study if they do not meet the criteria for acute pancreatitis
  2. Patients who are under the age of 16.
  3. Patients with chronic pancreatitis.
  4. Patients with recurrent acute pancreatitis

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

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  • assiut university 7001

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