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Clinical Outcomes, Compliance and Effectiveness of Switching From Infliximab or Etanercept to Adalimumab in Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). A Multicenter Post-Marketing Observational Study in Routine Clinical Use (FALLA)

17 januari 2012 uppdaterad av: Abbott

Clinical Outcomes,Compliance and Effectiveness of Switching From Infliximab or Etanercept to Adalimumab. A Multicenter Post-Marketing Observational Study in Routine Clinical Use

This is a prospective, single-arm, post marketing observational study in adult patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who are discontinuing treatment due to lack of efficacy, intolerance or to an incomplete response with either infliximab or etanercept.

The aim of this post-marketing observational study is to obtain data on clinical outcomes, compliance and tolerability to determine the effectiveness of switching from infliximab or etanercept to adalimumab. In this cohort, the different treatment strategies are to be studied in the context of the routine clinical practice in the different participating places.





Detaljerad beskrivning

This is a prospective, single-arm, post marketing observational study in adult patients with active RA who are discontinuing treatment due to lack of efficacy, intolerance or to an incomplete response with either infliximab or etanercept.

The aim of this post-marketing observational study is to obtain data on clinical outcomes, compliance and tolerability to determine the effectiveness of switching from infliximab or etanercept to Adalimumab. In this cohort, the different treatment strategies are to be studied in the context of the routine clinical practice in the different participating places.

Study Objectives:

Primary objective:

To assess the effectiveness of the treatment with adalimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that have failed or presented an incomplete response to current treatment with either infliximab or etanercept.

Secondary objective:

To evaluate the compliance and clinical tolerability with adalimumab

Investigational Plan and Selection of Study Population:

All patients belonging to any of the centres participating in the study that meet all the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria will be considered eligible.

Patients considered eligible for the study will have to give their consent for the use and/or disclose of the patient's personal and/or health data. Patient's consent will be obtained before his/her participation in the study and will be documented in an Informed Consent Form approved by an Ethics Committee.



Inskrivning (Faktisk)


Kontakter och platser

Det här avsnittet innehåller kontaktuppgifter för dem som genomför studien och information om var denna studie genomförs.


      • Chihuahua, Mexiko, 31000
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27882
      • Chihuahua, Mexiko, 31200
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27883
      • Culiacán Sin., Mexiko, 80000
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27884
      • Guadalajara, Jal., Mexiko, 44320
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27888
      • Guadalajara, Jal., Mexiko, 44650
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27886
      • Guadalajara, Jal., Mexiko, 44670
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27887
      • Leon, Gto., Mexiko, 37000
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 25943
      • Mexico City, Mexiko, 03100
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 28059
      • Mexico City,, Mexiko, 06700
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27885
      • Puebla, Pue., Mexiko, 72000
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27890
      • Puebla, Pue., Mexiko, 72570
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 27889
      • Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexiko, 29000
        • Site Reference ID/Investigator# 28057


Forskare letar efter personer som passar en viss beskrivning, så kallade behörighetskriterier. Några exempel på dessa kriterier är en persons allmänna hälsotillstånd eller tidigare behandlingar.


Åldrar som är berättigade till studier

18 år till 75 år (Vuxen, Äldre vuxen)

Tar emot friska volontärer


Kön som är behöriga för studier




Studera befolkning

Community sample


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Patients ≥18 and <75 years of age that meet the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for RA.
  • Patients with active RA defined as:

    1. ≥3 tender joints and ≥3 swollen joints, or
    2. DAS 28 score >3.1
  • Patients who are discontinuing treatment with either infliximab or etanercept due to:

    1. Lack of efficacy, or
    2. Incomplete response.
  • Patients that, in the opinion of the physician could result beneficiated with the locally approved treatment scheme of adalimumab
  • Those patients who switch from infliximab or etanercept to adalimumab has been done in the last 60 days could be included in the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

The following patients will not be included in the study:

  • Patients who have active infections.
  • Patients with latent TB. For this protocol, evidence of latent TB infection is defined as an induration (not erythema) of 5 mm or greater, 48-72 hrs after placement. Any suggested data on the clinical history or chest x-ray.
  • Patients participating into another study or clinical trial
  • Any condition that according to the criteria of the participating physician represents an obstacle for study conduct and/or represents a potential unacceptable risk for patients.


Det här avsnittet ger detaljer om studieplanen, inklusive hur studien är utformad och vad studien mäter.

Hur är studien utformad?


Kohorter och interventioner

Grupp / Kohort
Non responders to other anti-TNF
Patients with lack of efficacy to infliximab or etanercept treated with adalimumab according to the routine clinical practice of the participating centers. A 40 mg dose was administered every other week for 24 weeks.

Vad mäter studien?

Primära resultatmått

DAS28 (Disease Activity Score in 28 Joints)
Tidsram: Baseline and Weeks 8,16 and 24
The DAS 28 index measures disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis and is derived from the number swollen/tender joints, laboratory tests of inflammation, and participant assessment of global health (by marking a 10 cm line from "very good" to "very bad"). Ranges were used to classify participants, with a higher score indicating worse control of disease: Remission (<= 2.6), Low Disease Activity (>2.6 to <=3.2), Moderate Disease Activity (>3.2 to <= 5.1) and High Disease Activity (>5.1). The mean change in DAS 28 score from baseline to each visit is presented.
Baseline and Weeks 8,16 and 24
Tender Joint Count and Swollen Joint Count
Tidsram: Baseline and Weeks 8,16 and 24
The treating physician was to clinically assess each participant at each study visit and report the number of tender and swollen joints. The mean number of painful or swollen joints for participants evaluated at each time point are presented.
Baseline and Weeks 8,16 and 24
Severity of Pain in a 100mm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS 100mm)
Tidsram: Baseline and Weeks 8,16 and 24
Participants assessed the severity of their pain using a 0 to 100 mm horizontal visual analogue scale (VAS). The far left end indicated no pain (0 mm) and the far right meant the worst possible pain (100 mm). Participants drew a vertical line on the horizontal scale to indicate their current level of pain at each visit.
Baseline and Weeks 8,16 and 24

Sekundära resultatmått

Evaluate the Compliance and Clinical Tolerability With Adalimumab
Tidsram: Baseline to Week 24
To assess compliance, participants were asked at the Week 8 and Week 16 visits how many doses they had missed since their previous visit. Adverse events were collected throughout the study, from the time the participant signed the informed consent form until 30 days or 5 half-lives after the last dose of study drug. For additional information see the Reported Adverse Event section.
Baseline to Week 24

Samarbetspartners och utredare

Det är här du hittar personer och organisationer som är involverade i denna studie.



  • Studiestol: Juan Pozos, MD, Abbott


Dessa datum spårar framstegen för inlämningar av studieposter och sammanfattande resultat till Studieposter och rapporterade resultat granskas av National Library of Medicine (NLM) för att säkerställa att de uppfyller specifika kvalitetskontrollstandarder innan de publiceras på den offentliga webbplatsen.

Studera stora datum


1 april 2008

Primärt slutförande (Faktisk)

1 november 2010

Avslutad studie (Faktisk)

1 november 2010


Först inskickad

19 februari 2010

Först inskickad som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

8 mars 2010

Första postat (Uppskatta)

9 mars 2010

Uppdateringar av studier

Senaste uppdatering publicerad (Uppskatta)

19 januari 2012

Senaste inskickade uppdateringen som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

17 januari 2012

Senast verifierad

1 januari 2012

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