Syneos Health in Russia



  • 2B Alexander Nevsky Square, 14th Floor #17N St. Petersburg, Russia

    Phone:+7 812 676 72 40 Ext. 67122

  • Letnikovskaya Street 2, Building 1 Business Center Vivaldi Plaza, Floor 10 Moscow, Russia 115114

    Phone:+7 495 669 7500

Other Syneos Health's locations around the world


About Syneos Health

Syneos Health (Nasdaq:SYNH) is the only fully integrated biopharmaceutical solutions organization purpose-built to accelerate customer success. We lead with a product development mindset, strategically blending clinical development, medical affairs and commercial capabilities to address modern market realities. Together we share insights, use the latest technologies and apply advanced business practices to speed our customers’ delivery of important therapies to patients. We support a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture.
