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Self-injection of Adalimumab in Adult Japanese Subjects With Rheumatoid Arthritis

2011年6月17日 更新者:Abbott

A Non-Randomized, Open-Label, Roll-Over Study With Self Injection of Adalimumab in Adult Japanese Subjects With Rheumatoid Arthritis

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term safety of subcutaneous (SC) self-injections (by the subject or subject's family member) of adalimumab in adult Japanese subjects with Rheumatoid Arthritis in an open-label study.







注册 (实际的)



  • 第三阶段




      • Aichi、日本
      • Chiba、日本
      • Fukuoka、日本
      • Gunma、日本
      • Hokkaido、日本
      • Hyogo、日本
      • Ibaraki、日本
      • Kanagawa、日本
      • Miyagi、日本
      • Nagano、日本
      • Okayama、日本
      • Osaka、日本
      • Saitama、日本
      • Shizuoka、日本
      • Tokyo、日本
      • Toyama、日本





20年 及以上 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Completed Week 36 of Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]
  • Wish to participate in self-injection study
  • Give written informed consent
  • Comply with protocol requirements

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Subject develops serious adverse events at time of eligibility confirmation
  • Subject develops severe infections requiring hospitalization or IV injection of antibiotics within 28 days before eligibility confirmation
  • Subject develops infections requiring oral administration of antibiotics within 14 days before eligibility confirmation
  • The investigator considers the subject inappropriate for participation





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:非随机化
  • 介入模型:单组作业
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


Adalimumab 40 mg or 80 mg (same dose subject was receiving in preceding Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) subcutaneously (sc) administered every other week (eow) until approval of adalimumab in Japan
40 mg or 80 mg every other week (eow), subcutaneous (sc), self-injection
  • ABT-D2E7
  • 修美乐



Number of Subjects With American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Criteria Improvement of at Least 20%, 50%, and 70% (ACR20/50/70 Responders, Respectively)
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)
Number of responders with ACR criteria improvement consisting of 20%, 50%, and 70% (ACR20, ACR50, and ACR70, respectively) reduction in tender or swollen joint counts (TJC or SJC, respectively) and 20%, 50%, and 70% improvement, respectively, in 3 of the following 5 criteria: [1] physician's global assessment of disease activity (PGA), [2] subject's assessment of disease activity, [3] subject's assessment of pain, [4] subject's assessment of physical disability via a health assessment questionnaire disability index(HAQ-DI), and [5] C-reactive protein (CRP) at each visit.
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)


Mean Change From Baseline in Tender Joint Count (TJC; Max = 68), a Component of the ACR Criteria, by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)
Mean change from baseline (for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in TJC (max = 68), a component of the ACR criteria, by visit
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)
Mean Change From Baseline in Swollen Joint Count (SJC, Max = 66), a Component of the ACR Criteria by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)
Mean change from baseline (for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in SJC (max = 66), a component of the ACR criteria, by visit
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)
Mean Change From Baseline in Physician's Global Assessment of Disease Activity (PGA) Using a Visual Analog Scale (0 - 100 mm With 100 mm Being the Worst Assessment), a Component of the ACR Criteria, by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)
Mean change from baseline (for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in PGA (a visual analog scale from 0 - 100 mm with 100 mm being the worst case), a component of the ACR criteria, by visit
Every 4 weeks weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)
Mean Change From Baseline in Subject's Global Assessment of Disease Activity Using a Visual Analog Scale (0 - 100 mm With 100 mm Being the Worst Assessment), a Component of the ACR Criteria, by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)
mean change from baseline (for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in subjects global assessment of disease activity (a visual analog scale from 0 - 100 mm with 100 mm being the worst case), a component of the ACR criteria, by visit
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final value)
Mean Change From Baseline in Subject's Assessment of Pain Using a Visual Analog Scale (0 - 100 mm With 100 mm Being the Worst Pain), a Component of the ACR Criteria, by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final Value)
Mean change from baseline (for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in subject's assessment of pain (on a visual analog scale from 0 - 100 mm with 100 mm being the worst pain), a component of the ACR criteria, by visit
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final Value)
Mean Change From Baseline in Disability Index of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), a Component of the ACR Criteria, by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)
Mean change from baseline (for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in disability index of the HAQ (includes 20 questions assessing physical function in 8 domains. The questions are evaluated on a scale from 0 - 3 to measure the ability to perform certain activities [0 = without any difficulty, 1 = with some difficulty, 2 = with much difficulty, and 3 = unable to do so]), a component of the ACR criteria by visit
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)
Mean Change From Baseline in C-reactive Protein (CRP), a Component of the ACR Criteria by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final Value)
Mean change from baseline(for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in CRP (mg/dL), a component of the ACR criteria, by visit
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (Final Value)
Presence of Morning Stiffness by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)
The number of subjects with morning stiffness at each visit among those who had morning stiffness at baseline (64).
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)
Duration (Minutes) of the Presence of Morning Stiffness by Visit
大体时间:Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)
Mean change from baseline (for subjects without rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M02-575 [NCT 00647491]; for subjects with rescue treatment, baseline is from Study M03-651 [NCT 00235872]) in the duration (minutes) of stiffness in the morning.
Every 4 weeks up to Week 24 and every 12 weeks thereafter until study completion or discontinuation (final value)





  • 研究主任:Shigeki Hashimoto, PhD、Abbott Japan


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