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Exercise For Sub-acute Stroke Patients in Jamaica (JAMMS)

2016年10月28日 更新者:Rich Macko、Baltimore VA Medical Center

Jamaica and Maryland Mobility in Stroke

Chronic hemiparetic stroke is associated changes in body composition, skeletal muscle and cardiometabolic health; specific changes include paretic limb muscular atrophy, increased intramuscular fat deposition, elevated prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes. This randomized intervention study compares a 6 month task oriented exercise programs versus control with both groups receiving best medical stroke care according to American Stroke Association "Get with the Guidelines". The hypothesis is that is 6 months of task-oriented exercise initiated early across the sub-acute period of stroke can prevent or ameliorate the natural course of these body composition, skeletal muscle and cardiometabolic health changes.



Stroke leads to profound cardiovascular deconditioning and secondary abnormalities in paretic skeletal muscle that worsen cardiovascular health. Conventional rehabilitation focuses on restoration of daily function, without an adequate exercise stimulus to address deconditioning or the muscle abnormalities that may propagate insulin resistance (IR) to worsen risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and recurrent stroke. By the time individuals reach chronic stroke (>6 months), we report hemiparetic body composition abnormalities including paretic leg muscular atrophy, increased intramuscular area fat, and a major shift to fast myosin heavy chain (MHC). All of these factors promote IR, which has been linked to reduced muscle protein synthesis in aging that may be reversible with exercise. We also find elevated tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) in paretic leg muscle, suggesting that inflammation may affect protein synthesis and breakdown, similar to sarcopenia in aging. Yet, no prior studies have considered stroke as a catabolic syndrome modifiable by early exercise to improve muscle and cardiometabolic health.

Aim #1. Paretic (P) and non-paretic (NP) leg mixed muscle protein synthesis and breakdown in the fed and fasted state, TNFα expression, thigh muscle volume and strength.

Hypothesis 1: Paretic leg has reduced muscle protein synthesis and increased breakdown compared to non-paretic leg; TEXT will increase mixed muscle protein synthesis and reduce breakdown to increase muscle volume and strength by the mechanism(s) of reducing inflammation in the paretic leg, compared to controls.

Aim # 2. Glucose tolerance, fitness, and muscle phenotype. Hypothesis 2: TEXT will improve fitness levels, insulin and glucose response to oral glucose challenge, and increase paretic leg slow twitch (slow MHC) muscle molecular phenotype.

This randomized study investigates the hypothesis that in African-Jamaican adults with recent hemiparetic stroke, 6 months of TEXT across the sub-acute and into the chronic phase of stroke will improve paretic leg muscle and cardiometabolic health, compared to controls receiving best medical care.

Phase 1 consists of recruitment and screening of individuals with mild to moderate hemiparetic stroke from UWI Accident and Emergency Room and Neurology Stroke Clinics. Phase 2: Subjects with hemiparetic gait ≤ 8 weeks post-stroke who are not wheelchair bound or bed are approached for informed consent, medical, neurologic, blood tests, and treadmill (TM) exercise tests to determine study eligibility. Phase 3 baseline testing includes measures of fitness, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), body composition, bilateral vastus lateralis muscle biopsies, stable isotope measures of protein synthesis and breakdown. Phase 4: Eligible subjects are randomized to 6 months 3x/week TEXT or control group with best medical care alone that includes American Stroke Association (ASA) physical activity guideline recommendations for walking 4x/week. Randomization is stratified based on glucose tolerance (normal vs. abnormal) and gait deficit severity. Subjects have limited 3 month testing of fitness levels (VO2 peak), body composition, fasting glucose and insulin levels to document the natural history (controls) and temporal profile of exercise-mediated adaptations (TEXT) as they transition from the sub-acute into chronic phase of stroke. Phase 5 is 6-month post-intervention testing.



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  • 阶段2




    • Mona 7
      • Kingston、Mona 7、牙买加
        • 招聘中
        • University of West Indies
        • 接触:
        • 接触:
        • 首席研究员:
          • Terrence Forrester, MD
        • 副研究员:
          • Sandra Boynes
    • Maryland
      • Baltimore、Maryland、美国、21201
        • 主动,不招人
        • University of Maryland





18年 至 85年 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ischemic stroke within 8 weeks
  • BMI of 18-40 kg/m2
  • Able to walk 3 minutes with handrails, assistive device, or standby aid

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Actively exercising for >30 minutes per day for 5 days per week
  • Increased alcohol consumption (> 2 oz. liquor, 8 oz. wine, 24 oz. beer per day)
  • Active abuse of other illegal and illicit drugs
  • Cardiac History of: a) unstable angina, b) recent (<3 months) myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure (NYHA category II-IV), c) hemodynamically significant valvular dysfunction
  • Medical History: a) peripheral arterial disease with vascular claudication making exercise challenging, b) orthopedic or chronic pain condition(s) restricting exercise, c) pulmonary or renal failure, d) active cancer, e) untreated poorly controlled hypertension measured on at least 2 occasions (greater than 160/100), f) HIV-AIDS or other known inflammatory responses, g) sickle cell anemia, h) medications: heparin, warfarin, lovenox, or oral steroids, j) currently pregnant
  • Endocrine History: a) type 1 diabetes or insulin dependent type 2 diabetes, b) poorly controlled type 2 diabetes (HbA1C > 10)
  • Neurological History: a) dementia (Mini-Mental Status score < 23 or < 17 if education level at or below 8th grade) and clinical confirmation by clinical evaluation, b) severe receptive or global aphasia that confounds testing and/or training, operationally defined as unable to follow 2 point commands, c) hemiparetic gait from a prior stroke preceding the index stroke defining eligibility (more than one stroke), d) neurologic disorder restricting exercise such as Parkinsons or myopathy, e) untreated major depression (CESD > 16 or clinical confirmation), f) muscular disorder (s) restricting exercise
  • Muscle biopsy exclusion criteria: a) anti-coagulation therapy with heparin, warfarin, or lovenox (anit-platelet therapy is permitted), b)bleeding disorder





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


Task-oriented exercise training (aerobic, strength, and balance exercises)

Treadmill training with safety harnesses begin at 6 to 15 minutes total duration at 40-50% maximal heart rate reserve 3 times per week, increasing to 60-70% maximal heart rate reserve for 30 minutes for 6 months.

Group dynamic balance exercise immediately follow the treadmill training 3 times a week. Participants also receive Best Stroke Care according to "Get with the Guidelines"

有源比较器:Stroke Care
Best Medical Care in Jamaica adapted from the American Stroke Association "Get with the Guidelines".
Post-stroke care is applied according to the recommendations of the American Stroke Association "Get with the Guidelines" adapted for Jamaica



Thigh and Abdominal muscle and fat
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
CT scans to determine 1) mid-thigh cross sectional area for muscle area, intramuscular and subcutaneous fat area, and quality of lean tissue mass, 2) abdominal fat area.
Baseline and 6 months
Whole body protein and skeletal muscle synthesis and breakdown
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
Serial blood sampling and pre-/post-muscle biopsies in the fasted and fed state
Baseline and 6 months
Muscle myosin heavy chain isoform (MHC) proportions
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
Analysis of muscle biopsies for MHC fiber type proportions
Baseline and 6 months
Leg Strength
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
1 repetitive maximum strength for leg extension, quadriceps and hamstring muscles
Baseline and 6 months
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
VO2 peak testing with open circuit spirometry
Baseline and 6 months
Glucose tolerance
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
2 hour oral glucose tolerance test with serial blood sampling every 30 minutes for glucose and insulin
Baseline and 6 months


Muscle TNF alpha
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
Analysis of muscle biopsy samples for TNF levels
Baseline and 6 months
Mobility and balance
大体时间:Baseline and 6 months
Stroke deficit profile will be indexed by NIH Stroke Scale, modified Ashworth, timed walks, Short Physical Performance Battery, Berg Balance.
Baseline and 6 months




  • 首席研究员:Richard F Macko, MD、University of Maryland
  • 首席研究员:Terrence Forrester, MD、University of West Indies




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