Seasonal Variation of Blood Cholesterol Levels

To describe and delineate in a prospective study the nature and causes of seasonal variation of blood lipid levels in the general population.

Study Overview

Detailed Description


Significant seasonal variation of blood cholesterol levels has been shown in a number of cross-sectional studies, with important implications for national screening and therapeutic guidelines. However, the phenomenon has not been well studied: little is known about etiology or about seasonal variation of lipid subfractions.


The investigators assessed the magnitude and timing of the seasonal effect for total cholesterol and the important lipoprotein subfractions (low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, apolipoproteins AI and B, and lipoprotein (a)) in both sexes and at different ages. They also identified and quantified the effects of the main factors determining the variation and assessed the seasonal variation of other blood elements thought to play a role in the development of coronary heart disease, including hemostatic factors and antioxidants Finally, they explored the implications of the phenomenon for public health policy.

Baseline and serial measures were repeated quarterly for one year. These included measures of: serum lipids and lipoproteins; antioxidant vitamins; platelets and hemostatic factors; demographic factors; weight, waist-hip ratio, height, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure; dietary intake; physical activity; light exposure; and psychologic factors. Meteorologic data were also collected. Data were collected by written questionnaire and by the use of computer-assisted evening telephone interviews (CATI), which were used for the collection of dietary, physical activity and individual light-exposure and other lifestyle data. Activity and light data were verified in a subset of 80 patients by the use of a monitoring device. Analyses included methods to describe the seasonal variation in dietary, physical activity, psychologic, and light exposure data and repeated measures in linear regression models to determine the roles of specific dietary, physical activity, psychologic, and light-exposure related covariates in explaining variability in blood lipids, antioxidant vitamins, and hemostatic factors.

The study completion date listed in this record was obtained from the "End Date" entered in the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) record.

Study Type


Participation Criteria

Researchers look for people who fit a certain description, called eligibility criteria. Some examples of these criteria are a person's general health condition or prior treatments.

Eligibility Criteria

Ages Eligible for Study

No older than 100 years (Child, Adult, Older Adult)

Accepts Healthy Volunteers


Genders Eligible for Study



No eligibility criteria

Study Plan

This section provides details of the study plan, including how the study is designed and what the study is measuring.

How is the study designed?

Collaborators and Investigators

This is where you will find people and organizations involved with this study.


  • Ira Ockene, University of Massachusetts, Worcester

Publications and helpful links

The person responsible for entering information about the study voluntarily provides these publications. These may be about anything related to the study.

Study record dates

These dates track the progress of study record and summary results submissions to Study records and reported results are reviewed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to make sure they meet specific quality control standards before being posted on the public website.

Study Major Dates

Study Start

September 1, 1994

Study Completion (Actual)

July 1, 1999

Study Registration Dates

First Submitted

May 25, 2000

First Submitted That Met QC Criteria

May 25, 2000

First Posted (Estimate)

May 26, 2000

Study Record Updates

Last Update Posted (Estimate)

February 18, 2016

Last Update Submitted That Met QC Criteria

February 17, 2016

Last Verified

October 1, 2005

More Information

Terms related to this study

Other Study ID Numbers

  • 4290
  • R01HL052745 (U.S. NIH Grant/Contract)

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Clinical Trials on Heart Diseases
