Predicting and understanding the response to short-term intensive insulin therapy in people with early type 2 diabetes

Yury O Nunez Lopez, Ravi Retnakaran, Bernard Zinman, Richard E Pratley, Attila A Seyhan, Yury O Nunez Lopez, Ravi Retnakaran, Bernard Zinman, Richard E Pratley, Attila A Seyhan


Objective: Short-term intensive insulin therapy (IIT) early in the course of type 2 diabetes acutely improves beta-cell function with long-lasting effects on glycemic control. However, conventional measures cannot determine which patients are better suited for IIT, and little is known about the molecular mechanisms determining response. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a model that could accurately predict the response to IIT and provide insight into molecular mechanisms driving such response in humans.

Methods: Twenty-four patients with early type 2 diabetes were assessed at baseline and four weeks after IIT, consisting of basal detemir and premeal insulin aspart. Twelve individuals had a beneficial beta-cell response to IIT (responders) and 12 did not (nonresponders). Beta-cell function was assessed by multiple methods, including Insulin Secretion-Sensitivity Index-2. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) were profiled in plasma samples before and after IIT. The response to IIT was modeled using a machine learning algorithm and potential miRNA-mediated regulatory mechanisms assessed by differential expression, correlation, and functional network analyses (FNA).

Results: Baseline levels of circulating miR-145-5p, miR-29c-3p, and HbA1c accurately (91.7%) predicted the response to IIT (OR = 121 [95% CI: 6.7, 2188.3]). Mechanistically, a previously described regulatory loop between miR-145-5p and miR-483-3p/5p, which controls TP53-mediated apoptosis, appears to also occur in our study population of humans with early type 2 diabetes. In addition, significant (fold change > 2, P < 0.05) longitudinal changes due to IIT in the circulating levels of miR-138-5p, miR-192-5p, miR-195-5p, miR-320b, and let-7a-5p further characterized the responder group and significantly correlated (|r| > 0.4, P < 0.05) with the changes in measures of beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity. FNA identified a network of coordinately/cooperatively regulated miRNA-targeted genes that potentially drives the IIT response through negative regulation of apoptotic processes that underlie beta cell dysfunction and concomitant positive regulation of proliferation.

Conclusions: Responses to IIT in people with early type 2 diabetes are associated with characteristic miRNA signatures. This study represents a first step to identify potential responders to IIT (a current limitation in the field) and provides important insight into the pathophysiologic determinants of the reversibility of beta-cell dysfunction. identifier: NCT01270789.

Keywords: Beta-cell dysfunction; Cooperative overtargeting; MicroRNA; Response prediction; Short-term intensive insulin therapy; Type 2 diabetes.

Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved.


Graphical abstract
Graphical abstract
Figure 1
Figure 1
Identification of an optimal miRNA classifier for response to short-term IIT and summary of performance measures following an iterative random forests (RF) approach. (AC) Dual plots for features comprising the best classifier of response. (DG) Correlations between baseline levels of miR-145-5p and changes in measures of beta cell function and glucose control. ISSI-2 was the main outcome measure of beta-cell function, in the parent LIBRA trial, in response to short-term IIT. (H) Sensitivity analysis using the receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC). (I) Odds ratio plot for the classification using the best RF classifier. (J) Confusion matrix for the best RF classifier. (K) Performance measures for the best RF classifier. Orange-filled circles represent individual values for Responder (R) group. Blue-filled circles represent individual values for Nonresponder (NR) group. AUC: area under the ROC curve; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; FPR: false positive rate; FNR: false negative rate.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Expression profiling of miR-483-5p and miR-483-3p in circulation of humans with type 2 diabetes. Quantitation using real time PCR and TaqMan® assays. Measurements were normalized against the expression of the internal/endogenous control miR-191. Blue and orange circles represent nonresponder (NR) and responder (R) group data points, respectively, in panels H–L. Black, red, green, and blue represent nonresponder-post, nonresponder-pre, responder-post, and responder-pre, respectively, in panels EG.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Longitudinal changes and correlations in microRNAs (miRNAs) that significantly change in response to short-term intensive insulin therapy (IIT). (AE) Pattern A miRNAs with significant Group-by-Time interaction (P < 0.05, FDR < 0.2). Data presented as quantile-normalized log2 fold changes relative to the median of the nonresponders group at pre-IIT (NR.Pre) time point. The connected dots represent corresponding pre-therapy and post-therapy measurements for each individual participant (R: Responder group, orange filling; NR: Nonresponder group, blue filling; n = 12 per group). In the boxplots, the box delineates the first and third quartiles (the interquartile range, IQR), whereas the whiskers delineate the smallest and largest values inside a 1.5 box-length from the end of the box. The boxplot summarizes the data presented in the corresponding side-by-side dot plot, while the dot plot reveals valuable information about the longitudinal changes taking place per subject. Note that some samples have similar normalized logFC values, therefore multiple lines may converge onto a single dot. The number of lines, not the number of dots, represents the number of samples contributing data for the specific plot. Red dots represent data points located at greater than 1.5 IQR from the end of the box. Blue filling used for NR group and orange filling for R group. (F) Principal component analysis plot based on changes in Pattern A miRNAs effectively separate the responders from the nonresponders subjects. (GI) Correlated changes in the circulating levels of Pattern A miRNAs in response to short-term IIT.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Correlations between changes in Pattern A circulating miRNA levels and changes in relevant clinical variables and indices of interest. Partial correlations calculated using the ppcor R package and adjusting for age, duration of diabetes, baseline HbA1c, and baseline AUC glucagon. Blue-filled circles represent individual values for the Nonresponder (NR) group. Orange-filled circles represent individual values for the Responder (R) group.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Functional network analysis. (A) Network of experimentally validated interactions between seven IIT miRNAs and corresponding 91 overtargeted genes. Overtargeted genes appear to interact with a significantly higher number of miRNAs than expected by chance (as determined by hypergeometric tests of network proportions compared to the respective proportions in the miRNA–target interaction universe/background). (B) Enrichment of gene ontology annotations among the complete set of 91 overtargeted genes (method set to ‘slim’ annotations and significance value cutoff Padj < 0.05). (C) Re-drawn subnetwork for the central cluster of 9 highly overtargeted genes (3 or more targeting miRNAs per gene) and interacting set of six IIT miRNAs. (D) Enrichment of gene ontology annotations for the central cluster of 9 overtargeted genes (method set to ‘all’ annotations and significance value cutoff Padj < 0.001). Categories with the lowest P values at the bottom of the plot. Annotation enrichment analysis was assessed using the GOCluster_Report function of the systemPipeR package in the R environment.


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