We Need More Research and Better Designs for Insulin Infusion Sets

Lutz Heinemann, John Walsh, Ruth Roberts, Lutz Heinemann, John Walsh, Ruth Roberts

No abstract available

Keywords: CSII; infusion set; insulin pumps; insulin therapy; pump occlusions; unexplained hyperglycemia.

Conflict of interest statement

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: LH holds shares in the Profil Institute for Metabolic Research, Neuss, Germany, and the Profil Institute for Clinical Research, San Diego, USA. JW is a consultant for a number of companies developing insulin pumps and infusion sets (including Roche Diagnostics). He is employed by Advanced Metabolic Care and Research, which conducts numerous studies in diabetes including insulin pumps, infusion sets, and insulins. RR has no disclosures. LH and JW are also consultants for a range of companies that develop new diagnostic and therapeutic options for the treatment of diabetes.

Source: PubMed
