Interventions for the endodontic management of non-vital traumatised immature permanent anterior teeth in children and adolescents: a systematic review of the evidence and guidelines of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry

M Duggal, H J Tong, M Al-Ansary, W Twati, P F Day, H Nazzal, M Duggal, H J Tong, M Al-Ansary, W Twati, P F Day, H Nazzal


Aim: This systematic review was undertaken in order to develop guidelines for the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry for the management of non-vital permanent anterior teeth with incomplete root development.

Methods: Three techniques were considered; apexification by single or multiple applications of calcium hydroxide, use of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) for the creation of an apical plug followed by obturation of the root canal, and finally a Regenerative Endodontic Technique (RET). Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN) Guidelines (2008) were used for the synthesis of evidence and grade of recommendation.

Results: Variable levels of evidence were found and generally evidence related to these areas was found to be weak and of low quality. It was not possible to produce evidence-based guidelines based on the strength of evidence that is currently available for the management of non-vital immature permanent incisors.

Conclusions: Based on the available evidence the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry proposes Good Clinical Practice Points as a guideline for the management of such teeth. It is proposed that the long term use of calcium hydroxide in the root canals of immature teeth should be avoided and apexification with calcium hydroxide is no longer advocated. The evidence related to the use of a Regenerative Endodontic Technique is currently extremely weak and therefore this technique should only be used in very limited situations where the prognosis with other techniques is deemed to be extremely poor. The current review supports the use of MTA followed by root canal obturation as the treatment of choice.

Keywords: Calcium Hydroxide apexification; Endodontics; Immature non vital incisors; Mineral Trioxide aggregate; Regeneration/revitalisation; Trauamtized teeth.

Conflict of interest statement

This article is a systematic review of the literature and no experiments involving humans or animals were performed by any of the authors. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Success of calcium hydroxide apexification in three studies


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