Elevated endogenous erythropoietin concentrations are associated with increased risk of brain damage in extremely preterm neonates

Steven J Korzeniewski, Elizabeth Allred, J Wells Logan, Raina N Fichorova, Stephen Engelke, Karl C K Kuban, T Michael O'Shea, Nigel Paneth, Mari Holm, Olaf Dammann, Alan Leviton, ELGAN study investigators, Kathleen Lee, Anne McGovern, Jill Gambardella, Susan Ursprung, Ruth Blomquist, Kristen Ecklund, Haim Bassan, Samantha Butler, Adré Duplessis, Cecil Hahn, Catherine Limperopoulos, Omar Khwaja, Janet S Soul, Bhavesh Shah, Karen Christianson, Frederick Hampf, Herbert Gilmore, Susan McQuiston, Camilia R Martin, Colleen Hallisey, Caitlin Hurley, Miren Creixell, Jane Share, Linda J Van Marter, Sara Durfee, Robert M Insoft, Jennifer G Wilson, Maureen Pimental, Sjirk J Westra, Kalpathy Krishnamoorthy, Cynthia Cole, John M Fiascone, Janet Madden, Ellen Nylen, Anne Furey, Roy McCauley, Paige T Church, Cecelia Keller, Karen J Miller, Francis Bednarek, Mary Naples, Beth Powers, Jacqueline Wellman, Robin Adair, Richard Bream, Alice Miller, Albert Scheiner, Christy Stine, Richard Ehrenkranz, Joanne Williams, Elaine Romano, Cindy Miller, T Michael O'Shea, Debbie Gordon, Teresa Harold, Barbara Specter, Deborah Allred, Robert Dillard, Don Goldstein, Deborah Hiatt, Gail Hounshell, Ellen Waldrep, Lisa Washburn, Cherrie D Welch, Stephen C Engelke, Sherry Moseley, Linda Pare, Donna Smart, Joan Wilson, Ira Adler, Sharon Buckwald, Rebecca Helms, Kathyrn Kerkering, Scott S MacGilvray, Peter Resnik, Carl Bose, Gennie Bose, Lynn A Fordham, Lisa Bostic, Diane Marshall, Kristi Milowic, Janice Wereszczak, Mariel Poortenga, Dinah Sutton, Bradford W Betz, Steven L Bezinque, Joseph Junewick, Wendy Burdo-Hartman, Lynn Fagerman, Kim Lohr, Steve Pastyrnak, Carolyn Solomon, Ellen Cavenagh, Victoria J Caine, Nicholas Olomu, Joan Price, Nigel Paneth, Padmani Karna, Madeleine Lenski, Michael D Schreiber, Grace Yoon, Kate Feinstein, Leslie Caldarelli, Sunila E O'Connor, Michael Msall, Susan Plesha-Troyke, Daniel Batton, Beth Kring, Karen Brooklier, Melisa J Oca, Katherine M Solomon, Joanna J Seibert, Robert Lorenzo, Steven J Korzeniewski, Elizabeth Allred, J Wells Logan, Raina N Fichorova, Stephen Engelke, Karl C K Kuban, T Michael O'Shea, Nigel Paneth, Mari Holm, Olaf Dammann, Alan Leviton, ELGAN study investigators, Kathleen Lee, Anne McGovern, Jill Gambardella, Susan Ursprung, Ruth Blomquist, Kristen Ecklund, Haim Bassan, Samantha Butler, Adré Duplessis, Cecil Hahn, Catherine Limperopoulos, Omar Khwaja, Janet S Soul, Bhavesh Shah, Karen Christianson, Frederick Hampf, Herbert Gilmore, Susan McQuiston, Camilia R Martin, Colleen Hallisey, Caitlin Hurley, Miren Creixell, Jane Share, Linda J Van Marter, Sara Durfee, Robert M Insoft, Jennifer G Wilson, Maureen Pimental, Sjirk J Westra, Kalpathy Krishnamoorthy, Cynthia Cole, John M Fiascone, Janet Madden, Ellen Nylen, Anne Furey, Roy McCauley, Paige T Church, Cecelia Keller, Karen J Miller, Francis Bednarek, Mary Naples, Beth Powers, Jacqueline Wellman, Robin Adair, Richard Bream, Alice Miller, Albert Scheiner, Christy Stine, Richard Ehrenkranz, Joanne Williams, Elaine Romano, Cindy Miller, T Michael O'Shea, Debbie Gordon, Teresa Harold, Barbara Specter, Deborah Allred, Robert Dillard, Don Goldstein, Deborah Hiatt, Gail Hounshell, Ellen Waldrep, Lisa Washburn, Cherrie D Welch, Stephen C Engelke, Sherry Moseley, Linda Pare, Donna Smart, Joan Wilson, Ira Adler, Sharon Buckwald, Rebecca Helms, Kathyrn Kerkering, Scott S MacGilvray, Peter Resnik, Carl Bose, Gennie Bose, Lynn A Fordham, Lisa Bostic, Diane Marshall, Kristi Milowic, Janice Wereszczak, Mariel Poortenga, Dinah Sutton, Bradford W Betz, Steven L Bezinque, Joseph Junewick, Wendy Burdo-Hartman, Lynn Fagerman, Kim Lohr, Steve Pastyrnak, Carolyn Solomon, Ellen Cavenagh, Victoria J Caine, Nicholas Olomu, Joan Price, Nigel Paneth, Padmani Karna, Madeleine Lenski, Michael D Schreiber, Grace Yoon, Kate Feinstein, Leslie Caldarelli, Sunila E O'Connor, Michael Msall, Susan Plesha-Troyke, Daniel Batton, Beth Kring, Karen Brooklier, Melisa J Oca, Katherine M Solomon, Joanna J Seibert, Robert Lorenzo


Background: We sought to determine, in very preterm infants, whether elevated perinatal erythropoietin (EPO) concentrations are associated with increased risks of indicators of brain damage, and whether this risk differs by the co-occurrence or absence of intermittent or sustained systemic inflammation (ISSI).

Methods: Protein concentrations were measured in blood collected from 786 infants born before the 28th week of gestation. EPO was measured on postnatal day 14, and 25 inflammation-related proteins were measured weekly during the first 2 postnatal weeks. We defined ISSI as a concentration in the top quartile of each of 25 inflammation-related proteins on two separate days a week apart. Hypererythropoietinemia (hyperEPO) was defined as the highest quartile for gestational age on postnatal day 14. Using logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression models, we compared risks of brain damage among neonates with hyperEPO only, ISSI only, and hyperEPO+ISSI, to those who had neither hyperEPO nor ISSI, adjusting for gestational age.

Results: Newborns with hyperEPO, regardless of ISSI, were more than twice as likely as those without to have very low (< 55) Mental (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.5-3.5) and/or Psychomotor (OR 2.4; 95% CI 1.6-3.7) Development Indices (MDI, PDI), and microcephaly at age two years (OR 2.4; 95%CI 1.5-3.8). Newborns with both hyperEPO and ISSI had significantly increased risks of ventriculomegaly, hemiparetic cerebral palsy, microcephaly, and MDI and PDI < 55 (ORs ranged from 2.2-6.3), but not hypoechoic lesions or other forms of cerebral palsy, relative to newborns with neither hyperEPO nor ISSI.

Conclusion: hyperEPO, regardless of ISSI, is associated with elevated risks of very low MDI and PDI, and microcephaly, but not with any form of cerebral palsy. Children with both hyperEPO and ISSI are at higher risk than others of very low MDI and PDI, ventriculomegaly, hemiparetic cerebral palsy, and microcephaly.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence…
Fig 1. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) for ventriculomegaly (A.) and hypoechoic lesion (B.) calculated with logistic regression models.
The three risk groups: ISSI only: (an inflammation-related protein concentration in the highest quartile on two days); hyperEPO only (an EPO concentration in the highest quartile on day 14); and ISSI+hyperEPO are each compared to the referent group that consists of newborns who had neither ISSI nor hyperEPO. All models are adjusted for gestational age.
Fig 2. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence…
Fig 2. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) of quadriparesis (A.), diparesis (B.) and hemiparesis (C.) calculated with multinomial logistic regression models with risk groups and adjustment for gestational age as described in Fig. 1.
Missing values indicate an inability to estimate odds due to complete separation of outcomes among exposed and unexposed in light of the small sample size.
Fig 3. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence…
Fig 3. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) of Very Low Mental Development Index (A.) and Very Low Psychomotor Development Index (B.) calculated with multinomial logistic regression models as described in Fig. 2.
Note: Only children with a GMFCS

Fig 4. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence…

Fig 4. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) of 24 month head circumference Z-score <…

Fig 4. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) of 24 month head circumference Z-score < -2 calculated with logistic regression models as described in Fig. 1.
Note: Children with a birth head circumference Z-score

Fig 5. Summary of Associations.

We identify…

Fig 5. Summary of Associations.

We identify three patterns of increased risk of indicators of…

Fig 5. Summary of Associations.
We identify three patterns of increased risk of indicators of brain damage associated with hyperEPO and ISSI. hyperEPO only is identified with yellow, ISSI only is identified with orange, and the combination of ISSI+hyperEPO is identified with red. Reduced risk of an echolucent lesion associated with hyperEPO only is identified with green. Boxes with 2 or 3 separate colors indicate that 2 or 3 patterns were identified. Note: Cells in this table identify patterns of results of unique multivariable regression models fitted to answer whether or not children in each of three mutually exclusive study groups (hyperEPO only, ISSI only, or hyperEPO+ISSI) were at higher or lower risk of the brain damage indicator identified at the top of each column, relative to those in a referent group who did not have hyperEPO or ISSI, adjusting for gestational age category.
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    1. Nagao M, Masuda S, Abe S, Ueda M, Sasaki R (1992) Production and ligand-binding characteristics of the soluble form of murine erythropoietin receptor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 188: 888–897. - PubMed
    1. Masuda S, Okano M, Yamagishi K, Nagao M, Ueda M, et al. (1994) A novel site of erythropoietin production. Oxygen-dependent production in cultured rat astrocytes. J Biol Chem 269: 19488–19493. - PubMed
    1. Morishita E, Masuda S, Nagao M, Yasuda Y, Sasaki R (1997) Erythropoietin receptor is expressed in rat hippocampal and cerebral cortical neurons, and erythropoietin prevents in vitro glutamate-induced neuronal death. Neuroscience 76: 105–116. - PubMed
    1. Bierer R, Peceny MC, Hartenberger CH, Ohls RK (2006) Erythropoietin concentrations and neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants. Pediatrics 118: e635–640. - PubMed
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Fig 4. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence…
Fig 4. Odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) of 24 month head circumference Z-score < -2 calculated with logistic regression models as described in Fig. 1.
Note: Children with a birth head circumference Z-score

Fig 5. Summary of Associations.

We identify…

Fig 5. Summary of Associations.

We identify three patterns of increased risk of indicators of…

Fig 5. Summary of Associations.
We identify three patterns of increased risk of indicators of brain damage associated with hyperEPO and ISSI. hyperEPO only is identified with yellow, ISSI only is identified with orange, and the combination of ISSI+hyperEPO is identified with red. Reduced risk of an echolucent lesion associated with hyperEPO only is identified with green. Boxes with 2 or 3 separate colors indicate that 2 or 3 patterns were identified. Note: Cells in this table identify patterns of results of unique multivariable regression models fitted to answer whether or not children in each of three mutually exclusive study groups (hyperEPO only, ISSI only, or hyperEPO+ISSI) were at higher or lower risk of the brain damage indicator identified at the top of each column, relative to those in a referent group who did not have hyperEPO or ISSI, adjusting for gestational age category.
Fig 5. Summary of Associations.
Fig 5. Summary of Associations.
We identify three patterns of increased risk of indicators of brain damage associated with hyperEPO and ISSI. hyperEPO only is identified with yellow, ISSI only is identified with orange, and the combination of ISSI+hyperEPO is identified with red. Reduced risk of an echolucent lesion associated with hyperEPO only is identified with green. Boxes with 2 or 3 separate colors indicate that 2 or 3 patterns were identified. Note: Cells in this table identify patterns of results of unique multivariable regression models fitted to answer whether or not children in each of three mutually exclusive study groups (hyperEPO only, ISSI only, or hyperEPO+ISSI) were at higher or lower risk of the brain damage indicator identified at the top of each column, relative to those in a referent group who did not have hyperEPO or ISSI, adjusting for gestational age category.


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