Conditions for the Successful Integration of an eHealth Tool "StopBlues" Into Community-Based Interventions in France: Results From a Multiple Correspondence Analysis

Kathleen Turmaine, Agnès Dumas, Karine Chevreul, PRINTEMPS Consortium, Corinne Alberti, Philippe Courtet, Coralie Gandré, Bruno Giraudeau, Anaïs Le Jeannic, Jean-Luc Roelandt, Guillaume Vaiva, Marie-Amélie Vinet, Kathleen Turmaine, Agnès Dumas, Karine Chevreul, PRINTEMPS Consortium, Corinne Alberti, Philippe Courtet, Coralie Gandré, Bruno Giraudeau, Anaïs Le Jeannic, Jean-Luc Roelandt, Guillaume Vaiva, Marie-Amélie Vinet


Background: For over a decade, digital health has held promise for enabling broader access to health information, education, and services for the general population at a lower cost. However, recent studies have shown mixed results leading to a certain disappointment regarding the benefits of eHealth technologies. In this context, community-based health promotion represents an interesting and efficient conceptual framework that could help increase the adoption of digital health solutions and facilitate their evaluation.

Objective: To understand how the local implementation of the promotion of an eHealth tool, StopBlues (SB), aimed at preventing psychological distress and suicide, varied according to local contexts and if the implementation was related to the use of the tool.

Methods: The study was nested within a cluster-randomized controlled trial that was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the promotion, with before and after observation (NCT03565562). Data from questionnaires, observations, and institutional sources were collected in 27 localities where SB was implemented. A multiple correspondence analysis was performed to assess the relations between context, type of implementation and promotion, and use of the tool.

Results: Three distinct promotion patterns emerged according to the profiles of the localities that were associated with specific SB utilization rates. From highest to lowest utilization rates, they are listed as follows: the privileged urban localities, investing in health that implemented a high-intensity and digital promotion, demonstrating a greater capacity to take ownership of the project; the urban, but less privileged localities that, in spite of having relatively little experience in health policy implementation, managed to implement a traditional and high-intensity promotion; and the rural localities, with little experience in addressing health issues, that implemented low-intensity promotion but could not overcome the challenges associated with their local context.

Conclusions: These findings indicate the substantial influence of local context on the reception of digital tools. The urban and socioeconomic status profiles of the localities, along with their investment and pre-existing experience in health, appear to be critical for shaping the promotion and implementation of eHealth tools in terms of intensity and use of digital communication. The more digital channels used, the higher the utilization rates, ultimately leading to the overall success of the intervention.

International registered report identifier (irrid): RR2-10.1186/s13063-020-04464-2.

Keywords: community participation; eHealth; health promotion; internet-based intervention; mental health; prevention.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflicts of Interest: None declared.

©Kathleen Turmaine, Agnès Dumas, Karine Chevreul, PRINTEMPS Consortium. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 22.04.2022.


Figure 1
Figure 1
The intervention timelines. GP: general practitioner; SB: StopBlues.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Biplot of the explored variable modalities and typology of the localities.


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