The Effect of Nordic Walking Training Combined with Vitamin D Supplementation on Postural Control and Muscle Strength in Elderly People-A Randomized Controlled Trial

Jan Mieszkowski, Bartłomiej Niespodziński, Andrzej Kochanowicz, Anna Gmiat, Krzysztof Prusik, Katarzyna Prusik, Jakub Kortas, Ewa Ziemann, Jędrzej Antosiewicz, Jan Mieszkowski, Bartłomiej Niespodziński, Andrzej Kochanowicz, Anna Gmiat, Krzysztof Prusik, Katarzyna Prusik, Jakub Kortas, Ewa Ziemann, Jędrzej Antosiewicz


Nordic Walking (NW) and Vitamin D concentration (Vit D) alone have been shown to contribute to the health and performance of elderly people. However, the interaction between these two factors has yet to be explored. In this study 42 women over 60 years of age (69.02 ± 5.56 years) were recruited and divided in two NW groups: a high-intensity interval training group (HI-NW) and a moderate-intensity continuous training group (MI-NW). Individuals from each group completed a 12-week NW training program (3 times a week/2 hours) combined with randomized Vitamin D supplementation (HD = high dose: 4000 IU/day or LD = low dose: 800 IU/day). Body composition, postural control, muscle strength and Vitamin D serum concentration were measured twice; before and after the intervention. To investigate the interaction between supplementation and training a mixed-design analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. The HI-NW group, regardless of supplementation dose, increased their Vit D and elbow torque performance. On the other hand, in the MI-NW group the same Vit D outcome was seen only with HD supplementation and was also associated with increased leg muscle mass. In conclusion, beneficial effects of both HI-NW and MI-NW training regimes were seen. The impact of the dose supplementation on Vit D and body composition was related to the type of NW training.

Keywords: Nordic Walking; Vitamin D concentration; aging; high-intensity interval training.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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