Sublingual atropine drops for the treatment of pediatric sialorrhea

Adam Rapoport, Adam Rapoport


Excess oral secretions or sialorrhea is a common problem affecting children and adults with neurological disorders, as well as those approaching the end of life because of a variety of underlying illnesses. Systemic anticholinergic medications are often prescribed in an attempt to improve quality of life and reduce complications; yet, response rates are variable, and a sizable proportion of patients discontinue these drugs as a result of intolerable side effects. This report describes the successful use of a local treatment, sublingually delivered ophthalmic atropine drops, to reduce sialorrhea in a child receiving palliative care. In addition, medical evidence for the safety and efficacy of traditionally prescribed systemic medications for the treatment of pediatric sialorrhea is reviewed.

Copyright © 2010 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Source: PubMed
