Effect of the casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate fluoride (CPP-ACPF) and photobiomodulation (PBM) on dental hypersensitivity: A randomized controlled clinical trial

Mariangela Ivette Guanipa Ortiz, Cristiane de Melo Alencar, Brennda Lucy Freitas De Paula, Eliane Bemerguy Alves, Jesuína Lamartine Nogueira Araújo, Cecy Martins Silva, Mariangela Ivette Guanipa Ortiz, Cristiane de Melo Alencar, Brennda Lucy Freitas De Paula, Eliane Bemerguy Alves, Jesuína Lamartine Nogueira Araújo, Cecy Martins Silva


Objective: This randomized controlled clinical trial aimed to evaluate the effect of the casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate fluoride (CPP-ACPF) and photobiomodulation (PBM) in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity (DH), and the impact of this on the health-related quality of life (HRQL).

Methods: Eighty teeth with DH were randomized into four groups and received three treatment sessions: PLACEBO = placebo + LASER application mimicking; CPP-ACPF = CPP-ACPF + LASER application mimicking; PBM = placebo + LASER active application; CPP-ACPF+PBM = CPP-ACPF + LASER active application. Tactile (exploratory probe) and evaporative (triple syringe) stimuli were used to measure DH and were recorded with the aid of a visual analogue scale (VAS) after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd treatment sessions and one-month follow-up. The HRQL was recorded in the DH experience questionnaire (DHEQ).

Results: The intragroup comparison showed a significant reduction in DH (p < 0.05) with both stimuli after one-month follow-up. The intergroup comparison with the evaporative stimulus showed that CPP-ACPF+PBM significantly reduced DH when compared to the rest of treatments, after one-month follow-up. CPP-ACPF+PBM group statistically differed from the other treatment groups in the DHEQ evaluation after one-month follow-up.

Conclusion: After one-month follow-up, the association of CPP-ACPF with PBM was effective in the reduction of DH and promoted a positive impact on the HRQL of the participants of this study.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Flow diagram showing patient recruitment…
Fig 1. Flow diagram showing patient recruitment and follow-up.
Adapted from the CONSORT flow diagram.
Fig 2. DHEQ results, median values before…
Fig 2. DHEQ results, median values before and after one-month follow-up of the desensitizing treatments application.
* Different upper case letters represent significant intragroup statistical difference according to the Wilcoxon Test (p≤0.05); ** Different lowercase letters represent significant intergroup statistical difference according to the Mann-Whitney Test (p≤0.05).


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