Effectiveness of a nurse-supported self-management programme for dual sensory impaired older adults in long-term care: a cluster randomised controlled trial

Lieve M Roets-Merken, Sytse U Zuidema, Myrra J F J Vernooij-Dassen, Steven Teerenstra, Pieter G J M Hermsen, Gertrudis I J M Kempen, Maud J L Graff, Lieve M Roets-Merken, Sytse U Zuidema, Myrra J F J Vernooij-Dassen, Steven Teerenstra, Pieter G J M Hermsen, Gertrudis I J M Kempen, Maud J L Graff


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a nurse-supported self-management programme to improve social participation of dual sensory impaired older adults in long-term care homes.

Design: Cluster randomised controlled trial.

Setting: Thirty long-term care homes across the Netherlands.

Participants: Long-term care homes were randomised into intervention clusters (n=17) and control clusters (n=13), involving 89 dual sensory impaired older adults and 56 licensed practical nurses.

Intervention: Nurse-supported self-management programme.

Measurements: Effectiveness was evaluated by the primary outcome social participation using a participation scale adapted for visually impaired older adults distinguishing four domains: instrumental activities of daily living, social-cultural activities, high-physical-demand and low-physical-demand leisure activities. A questionnaire assessing hearing-related participation problems was added as supportive outcome. Secondary outcomes were autonomy, control, mood and quality of life and nurses' job satisfaction. For effectiveness analyses, linear mixed models were used. Sampling and intervention quality were analysed using descriptive statistics.

Results: Self-management did not affect all four domains of social participation; however. the domain 'instrumental activities of daily living' had a significant effect in favour of the intervention group (P=0.04; 95% CI 0.12 to 8.5). Sampling and intervention quality was adequate.

Conclusions: A nurse-supported self-management programme was effective in empowering the dual sensory impaired older adults to address the domain 'instrumental activities of daily living', but no differences were found in addressing the other three participation domains. Self-management showed to be beneficial for managing practical problems, but not for those problems requiring behavioural adaptations of other persons.

Trial registration number: NCT01217502; Results.

Keywords: dual sensory loss; geriatric nursing; licensed practical nurses; long-term care; self-management; social participation.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Consort flow diagram enrolment. DSI, dual sensory impairment; LTC, long-term care; N, number of LTC homes; n, number of older adults.


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