[Pharmacological treatment conciliation methodology in patients with multiple conditions]

Eva Rocío Alfaro-Lara, María Dolores Vega-Coca, Mercedes Galván-Banqueri, María Dolores Nieto-Martín, Concepción Pérez-Guerrero, Bernardo Santos-Ramos, Eva Rocío Alfaro-Lara, María Dolores Vega-Coca, Mercedes Galván-Banqueri, María Dolores Nieto-Martín, Concepción Pérez-Guerrero, Bernardo Santos-Ramos


Objective: To carry out a bibliographic review in order to identify the different methodologies used along the reconciliation process of drug therapy applicable to polypathological patients.

Design: We performed a literature review. Data sources The bibliographic review (February 2012) included the following databases: Pubmed, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Spanish Medical Index (IME). The different methodologies, identified on those databases, to measure the conciliation process in polypathological patients, or otherwise elderly patients or polypharmacy, were studied. Study selection Two hundred and seventy three articles were retrieved, of which 25 were selected. Data extraction Specifically: the level of care, the sources of information, the use of registration forms, the established time, the medical professional in charge and the registered variables such as errors of reconciliation.

Results: Most of studies selected when the patient was admitted into the hospital and after the hospital discharge of the patient. The main sources of information to be highlighted are: the interview and the medical history of the patient. An established time is not explicitly stated on most of them, nor the registration form is used. The main professional in charge is the clinical pharmacologist. Apart from the home medication, the habits of self-medication and phytotherapy are also identified. The common errors of reconciliation vary from the omission of drugs to different forms of interaction with other medicinal products (drugs interactions).

Conclusions: There is a large heterogeneity of methodologies used for reconciliation. There is not any work done on the specific figure of the polypathological patient, which precisely requires a standardized methodology due to its complexity and its susceptibility to errors of reconciliation.

Keywords: Conciliación de la medicación; Medication reconciliation; Methods; Metodología; Paciente pluripatológico; Polypathological patient; Review; Revisión.

Copyright © 2012 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.


Figura 1
Figura 1
Flujo de estudios identificados y seleccionados a través de la revisión bibliográfica.


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