Verification of the Mediating Effect of Social Support on Physical Activity and Aging Anxiety of Korean Pre-Older Adults

Ahra Oh, Jiyoun Kim, Eunsurk Yi, Jongseob Shin, Ahra Oh, Jiyoun Kim, Eunsurk Yi, Jongseob Shin


There is a lack of research on Korean prospective elderly persons. In particular, there is little research regarding whether social support has a mediating effect on the relationship between physical activity and aging anxiety. Accordingly, this study investigated how social support affected physical activity and aging anxiety in 778 prospective senior citizens (55 to 65 years old) out of a total of 1447 senior citizens who participated in the Embrain Panel Power and Panel Marketing Interactive. Participants completed the IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaires), Social Support Scale, and Aging Anxiety Scale. Physical activity in these Korean pre-older adults affected aging anxiety (p < 0.001), with a fixed effect of physical activity on social support (p < 0.001). Further, social support affected aging anxiety (p < 0.001). Social support was also an important parameter in the relationship between physical activity and aging anxiety. In conclusion, high physical activity of pre-older Korean persons lowered their anxiety regarding aging. Social support acted as a mediator that lowered anxiety regarding aging in the most active pre-older persons.

Keywords: Korea; aging anxiety; physical activity; pre-older adults; social support.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
A conceptual model of the relationship between physical activity, social support, and aging anxiety among pre-older adults in Korea.


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