The experience of Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-ethnography

Andrew Soundy, Brendon Stubbs, Carolyn Roskell, Andrew Soundy, Brendon Stubbs, Carolyn Roskell


There has been little attempt to summarise and synthesise qualitative studies concerning the experience and perception of living with Parkinson's disease. Bringing this information together would provide a background to understand the importance of an individual's social identity on their well-being and hope. Three primary aims were identified (a) understanding the importance of social identity and meaningful activities on individuals' well-being, (b) identifying factors and strategies that influence well-being and hope, and (c) establishing a model that relates to an individual's hope and well-being. Three stages were undertaken including a traditional electronic search, a critical appraisal of articles, and a synthesis of studies. Qualitative articles were included that considered the experience of living with Parkinson's disease. Thirty seven articles were located and included in the review. Five themes were identified and the themes were used to inform development of a new model of hope enablement. The current review furthered understanding of how physical symptoms and the experience of Parkinson's disease affect the individual's well-being and hope. Social identity was established as a key factor that influenced an individual's well-being. Being able to maintain, retain, or develop social identities was essential for the well-being and hope of individuals with Parkinson's disease. Understanding the factors which prevent or can facilitate this is essential.


Figure 1
Figure 1
A PRISMA diagram for the review.
Figure 2
Figure 2
The model of hope enablement.


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